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参与Scaling Goals with Employee Empowerment体验活动简介
Join me on for a Live Webinar on Scaling Goals with Employee Empowerment.
Available Times are the following:
- Wednesday, June 29th 11am CST/12pm EST (THIS ONE)
- Thursday, June 30th 11am CST/12pm EST (GO HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS TIME - https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/scalinggoalswithemployeeempower6943652609471774720/about/)
- Thursday, June 30th 6pm CST/7pm EST (GO HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS TIME - https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/scalinggoalswithemployeeempower6943654289626062848/about/)
I'll be teaching leaders and managers how to build a flourishing company that dominates goals without losing employees.
During this webinar you’ll learn….
- How to Retain Good Employees even amidst the Great Resignation.
- How to reach company goals and keep growing even amidst a recession.
- And how to create a flourishing working environment for you and your team.
Don't miss it!!
Here's the Zoom link again if anyone needs it --
Topic: Scaling Goals with Employee Empowerment
Time: Jun 29, 2022 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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