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Link: https://hksinc.zoom.us/j/99712348568?pwd=ZGJ5amxuaGpiQU91WVBSLzIwSlpLUT09
Grab your favorite pen, or writing utensil, and pad of paper, clear your calendar for 90 minutes, and allow yourself to drop into this moment to reflect on the past year (2023), and set your intention for (2024).
? The year often feels like it's racing by... It is a *gift* to ourselves (and our futures) to reflect, connect, and plan for the coming year. ?
If you've looking for a nurturing place to gather and be guided in reflection and planning, JOIN ME!
Every year, I gather with friends around my kitchen table and reflect on the past year, and plan for the year ahead! ??
This year, I am expanding the circle to include all of my LinkedIn friends, colleagues, and collaborators - and that means YOU! :)
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