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Meet Me For Coffee live from Manifest 2025! Join our host Samantha Jones, and her guest Omar Singh, the Founder of Get Real Rates and the President of Surge Transportation, as they discuss the evolution of dynamic pricing to dynamic freight spend management. They will also discuss the emerging trend of brokerages and fleets developing and even selling their own proprietary software solutions, and the challenges that costly API rate integrations with legacy shipper TMS systems are posing to embracing a more total dynamic pricing management strategy.
More about our guest: Omar is a teacher by training and trucker by trade. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, he started out as an Over-the-Road driver, owned a medium sized refrigerated trucking company, then worked with several large national logistics firms before founding Surge and Get Real Rates. Omar realized that shippers and carriers are not going to be able to take full advantage of dynamic rate APIs until they are accessible to everybody so he founded Get Real Rates to ensure that every carrier and broker can provide API pricing to every shipper. Omar has a Master's degree from Georgetown University, mentors entrepreneurs at Stanford University, sat on the Board of Directors of the Transportation Intermediaries Association, is a member of the Northwestern University Transportation Center Business Advisory Council, and is a frequent writer and public speaker.