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Lumens is a versatile PIC Development platform that can be tailored to suit many different applications. The PIC16F1847 is a highly capable device for standalone applications. Join me for an insightful run-through of ideas, code samples, and useful applications that Lumens can be employed in.
Lumens was intended as a solar-powered LED Lighting Controller, and in this role, it functions well. Over time, I have adapted it to a number of different roles which include an on desk lighting controller, and it can be used as a day-night switch. The advantage of the design points of the product is that it can be adapted to perform other functions and the code updated to cater to this.
The event is not intended as a deep dive into how to design an embedded system, but rather how you can take an existing system and repurpose it to differing purposes. If you are an embedded enthusiast, student, or even a professional who is interested in a weekend pet project, then the event is for you.
We will be providing some conversation into the following:
- Solar Lighting / Alternative Energy: The Lumens purpose
- Hardware run through and options
- Coding: how to setup and get that "Hello World" going
- Advanced stuff: PWM, A2D
Please send a mail to [email protected] for the zoom link, which is limited to 100 attendees.