Leveraging the Soft Power of the Global Hellenic Community
活动举办者 Greek Scientists Society
2022 年 3 月 27 日 – 2022 年 3 月 27 日线上活动
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Leveraging the Soft Power of the Global Hellenic Community:
Towards the Greek and Cypriot Next-Generation Innovation Ecosystems 5.0
In the new era, Innovation in Science and Technology is the spark to transform a Nation - within the Industry & Society 5.0 context - into a technologically advanced one, Small countries like Greece and Cyprus need to use all the necessary means to become successful in that front.
Our Diaspora is frequently mentioned as a game changer for helping Hellenism find its position for the time to come. It is perceived to be, and it is a soft power that we have to incorporate in every arrangement we compile for the future.
In this 3rd Symposium we build upon the very interesting ideas that came out of our previous Symposia – Tech Diplomacy and Involvement of Scientists in Diplomatic actions – that must be further nurtured and advanced to the next level, take shape and developed in to action programs.
We discuss these matters, with the aim
- To identify the role of Scientists in promoting our position in the global landscape via Science & Tech Diplomacy
- To identify the role of Hellenic Diaspora Business Leaders in the making of the next-gen Innovation Ecosystem
- To incorporate the wealth of experiences and capabilities of our Diaspora
? of our distinctive talent in Life Sciences to the dawn of the Greek Biopharma innovation
? to set up and build momentum for a Tech Innovation Ecosystem in Greece and Cyprus
The Speakers that have confirmed are:
· H.E. Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias - Hellenic Republic, Supreme Court lawyer
· Alt. Min. Mina Gaga - Alternate Minister of Health, Hellenic Republic, former Assistant Professor at Athens University and Director at Athens Chest Hospital
· Prof. Josef Sifakis - Laureate of 2007 Turing Award, Emeritus Senior CNRS Researcher at Verimag laboratory
· Amb. Alexandros Mallias - Former Ambassador of Greece to the USA, Martin Luther King International Legacy Award, Analyst and Commentator on national security, regional and global issues
· Prof. Katia Sycara - Professor of Robotics and Endowed Edward Fredkin Research Chair in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University
· Prof. Sophia Karagiannis - Professor of Translational Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy at King's College London, co-founder Epsilogen
· Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis - Rector and the CEO of the Berlin School of Health Sciences, Provost & Chief Academic Officer at the Berlin School of Business & Innovation (BSBI)
· Prof. George Vassiliou - Professor of Haematological Medicine at the University of Cambridge, Director Haematological Cancer Genetics Group at the Sanger Institute, Consultant Haematologist at Cambridge University Hospitals
· Prof. Jean Iliopoulos - Hon. Professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure, former Director at the French Research Center (CNRS), Sakurai Prize, member of the French Academy of Sciences
· Prof. John Quackenbush - Professor, Computational Biology and Chair, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
· Prof. John Baras - Distinguished University Professor and endowed Lockheed Martin Chair in Systems Engineering, University of Maryland, Founding Director of the Institute for Systems Research, and the Maryland Hybrid Networks Center (HyNet)
· Prof. Georgios Giannakis - Endowed Chair Professor in Wireless Telecommunications, and Director of the Digital Technology Center at the University of Minnesota
· Prof. Stylianos Antonarakis - Professor and Chairman of Genetic Medicine at the University of Geneva Medical School, Director of the iGE3 institute of Genetics and Genomics of Geneva
· Prof. Michael G. Jacobides - Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Professor of Strategy, London Business School; Academic Advisor, BCG; Chief Digital Economy Advisor, Hellenic Competition Commission
· Prof. Theos Evgeniou is a Professor at INSEAD, co-founder of Tremau, WEF Academic Partner for AI, Member of the OECD Network of Experts on AI, Advisor for the BCG Henderson Institute
· Prof. Kostas Ifantis - Professor of International Relations, Dept. of International, European and Area Studies, Panteion University of Social and Political Studies
· Dr Michail Tsatsanis - Member Of Technical Staff at ViaSat Inc., IEEE Fellow
· Mr Jimmy Kokotas - Supreme President of the AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association)
· Prof. George Malliaras - Prince Philip Professor of Technology, University of Cambridge
Department of Engineering
· Ms Kelli Kedis Ogborn - Technology Commercialization Expert | Space Commerce Specialist
· Dr Panteli Theocharous - Global Vice President, Cell and Gene Therapy Strategy Lead at PPD
· Dimitrios Apokis - Journalist, International Relations Analyst.
Special thanks to our Sponsors - DEMO Pharmaceuticals, RSM Cyprus