How To Create Psychological Safety As A Leader The Right Way
活动举办者 Andreas
2025 年 3 月 26 日 – 2025 年 3 月 26 日线上活动
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A common and persistent misconception among leaders is that psychological safety means lowering the bar, avoiding tough conversations, or shielding teams from challenges.
In reality, it requires the opposite. It fosters an environment where teams confront hard truths, expose weaknesses without fear, and hold each other to the highest standards.
True psychological safety thrives alongside accountability. High-performing teams balance open communication with rigorous execution.
In this interactive, dynamic, and free 1-hour workshop, you’ll learn:
? What psychological safety is—and what it isn’t.
? Proven strategies and techniques to apply it effectively.
? How to leverage it to become a High-Impact Leader (HIP Leader).
The session includes a presentation, hands-on exercises, and a Q&A.
Looking forward to welcoming you!
Andreas von der Heydt