From Idea to Impact: How to Identify and Track Benefits throughout your LTP
活动举办者 Capgemini
2024 年 7 月 12 日 – 2024 年 7 月 12 日线上活动
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Join us for the 7th edition of the SAP S/4HANA? Large Transformation Program (LTP) Method webinar series!
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, Large Transformation Programs (LTPs) have become an integral part of modern organizational strategy looking to deliver sustainable business change that generates business value.
Businesses are looking to improve their capabilities and gain benefits not only from making an IT change but even more so from business-driven process improvements that can be further built upon once the program has transitioned into continuous delivery. The tricky part is that a capability improvement and bottom-line benefits can be delivered by many solution components – some IT, some non-IT, some SAP, some non-SAP, delivered in a multi-partner environment across a multi-year, multi-project and multi-release LTP program.
So how does one identify and also keep track of the transformation target and capability changes required to secure that target, along with the expected benefits and each solution component that delivers the desired change? There is no simple answer to a complex challenge, and our LTP Method can help by providing a clear framework to identify and track changes that lead to real benefits.
Join us and gain insights into how to:
? Define transformation objectives and set a clear transformation target.
? Determine the capability changes necessary to secure the transformation and enable business benefits realization.
? Connect solution components to the required capability changes.
Who Should Attend:
CIOs, CTOs, CxOs, IT Directors, Program and Project Managers, Process Owners, Enterprise and Solution Architects, and professionals engaged in large-scale digital transformation initiatives—whether you're considering S/4HANA migration or have already embarked on your transformation journey.
Don't miss this opportunity to gain expert insights on how to set up your large transformation program for success!
For replays and downloading the deck presented during the previous webinars of our Large Transformation Program Method webinar series, visit -