Not many people are 1s of 1s....Warren Buffet is just that. He's the super rare, humble billionaire whose routine didn't change, isn't flying PJs everywhere, never bought a sports team to ruin it, never had a reality show or ran for office, never got blood transfusions from teenagers (that we know of)...basically no weird stuff. Just living his life doing the best he can and now sharing his knowledge, the blessings and wealth he has created with the world. So when he lays out some guidance on estate planning, it's imperative to listen, and apply those lessons with conversation and action. And what he's talking about doing is pretty universal, no jargon, no complicated strategies or high priced structuring or three card monte. It's completely practical, impactful, and doable! I'd be happy to talk further about any one of these with anyone - K.I.S.S - Keep it simple stupid! Complex plans create confusion. Clarity reduces mistakes and ensures that wishes are followed. Start giving now - Supporting causes or family while you’re alive lets you see the impact and ensures your values are upheld. Find the right balance - Leave "enough to do anything but not so much they can do nothing." An important mindset to impart to avoid creating dependency. Educate your heirs - Wealth without knowledge gets wasted often. Financial skills prepare your family for what they’ll inherit. Assemble a solid, trusted team - Work with experienced professionals to create a plan that fits your goals while enabling flexibility to handle tax, legal, and life changes. None of these are rocket surgery...they're all very common sense which is clearly not common after all. The best way to avoid conflict and challenges is to be proactive and thoughtful. There's definitely a lot that needs to get done and it often leads to paralysis analysis. It's also a classic very important but not too urgent issue...until it is and then it can be too late. How can we change that paradigm? Are there some tips or tools out there that can actually help people get moving on these decisions and needs without it feeling like they're going through a dental exam? And what are your thoughts on the points he makes? I hope we all appreciate how special it is to live in a time with one of the absolute GOATs. Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.