The High Level Segment of COP16 started yesterday and negotiations are accelerating but there is still no major breakthrough to report. So I’m going to focus on key releases during this COP in this post. ? ?? The Nature Intelligence from COP16 - Episode 06 Nature Positive Initiative's indicators consultation The NPI worked with a range of stakeholders on identifying the key aspects of the state of nature which needs to be measured. Their shortlist of 9 indicators is very relevant in my opinion. The Ecosystem Condition Protocol will start from that list & the initial guidance on entry, standard and advanced level measurement when its work officially begins. It would push further guidance to operationalize on measurement & accounting for companies. This list of 9 indicators should really be on your radar (and participate in the consultation open until the end of November) as it will likely feed into the #TNFD and other frameworks. Learn more: Biodiversity certificate high-level and high-integrity principles International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits, World Economic Forum and Biodiversity Credit Alliance joined forces to come up with principles any biodiversity certificate (or credit) should meet: Those principles cover 3 broad areas: "1) Ensuring verified positive outcomes for nature 2) Equity and fairness for people 3) Good governance for high-integrity markets" From my experience, I can tell that existing schemes are in average far from meeting those principles. A group of schemes are better equipped but are still not meeting all of the criteria. Will this lead up to an equivalent of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) for biodiversity? Maybe, though some market participants are calling for more time to experiment and learn from applying methodologies in the real world, before stifling innovation with rigid rules. A bit confusingly, the IAPB also released a separate high integrity framework at COP16: Official launch of Verra’s SD VISta Nature Framework One of the leading biodiversity certificates standard officially launched in Cali. They had been working on it since at least 2022 and have completed pilots. Certificates will now be able to officially register on the framework’s registry and buyers will be able to buy them. Verra has been moving fast in this field and this is one of a handful of standards worth watching in my opinion. Learn more: