The reason for this 2nd SWMM5 post ?? - I often use SWMM5 and made a PowerPoint presentation ?? to showcase about 200 features ? in the UX of EPASWMM 5.2.4 (the latest ??). It has some new features I was unaware of ?? despite using the UX for over 20 years! ??? This is a GIF of the SWMM5 Objects section of the powerpoint. SWMM5 ?? includes both tangible objects that can be seen on its Study Area Map ???, and intangible items that encompass design ??, loading ??, and operational information ??. These elements, which you can find in the Project Browser ???, consist of the following: Project Title/Notes ?? Nodes ?? Simulation Options ?? Links ?? Climatology ??? Transects ?? Rain Gages ??? Control Rules ?? Subcatchments ??? Pollutants ?? Aquifers ?? Land Uses ??? Snow Packs ?? Curves ?? Unit Hydrographs ?? Time Series ? LID Controls ??? Time Patterns ?? Map Labels ??? #SWMM5 #ICM_SWMM