We are not prepared for retirement. It's literally impossible to be fully prepared and planned for something as vague and amorphous as 'retirement.' Retirement is different for each and every one of us; and the definition will continue to dramatically change over the years. How effective are scary headlines and reports from firms that have obvious interest in you parking more and more money with them? Are you going to suddenly flip the switch and make people change your behavior? Fear is a motivator, sure, but millions of people are just trying to pay their bills, stay a bit ahead of their debts, and try to enjoy their lives with a vacation or a splurge every now and then; that's fine, it's part of being human. They're worried about the present and its challenges — there's a reason people make the decision to play the lottery, it's the only shot at financial independence. When you think about it that way, the behavior makes sense. We all need to put ourselves in the best position to control the outcomes and succeed at our financial goals. If this is your first 'sky is falling' retirement article, welcome to the club...you still have plenty of time to get ahead of the curve. But time is precious and fleeting and every day there is a tiny bit less and less of it. Would love your thoughts on these topics and very valid concerns that people have, thanks! #money #litrendingtopics #linkedinfinance Lions Financial