Fractional Talent Development Partner| Learning Strategist| Developing People and Leaders| Unleashing Capabilities to Optimize Performance| Former Accenture Consultant | M.Ed
With well over a hundred L&D projects under my belt, I have seen a lot of mismanagement and delays …and almost every single time it was due to the same couple of issues: stakeholder involvement and decision-making rights. Even with our direction, our clients tended to minimize the extent in which stakeholders need to be involved and have a voice. The L&D leader failed to define decision-making rights upfront, and either tried to make decisions by consensus or assumed they had decision-making rights. Both big mistakes often cost the project time, money, and sometimes…trust and respect. The smoothest projects we have supported had clearly defined operational principles including stakeholder involvement and decision-making rights. Taking the time to do this upfront always saves time in the long run and results in a higher quality product or service as well as stakeholder buy-in. #decisionmaking #decisionrights #stakeholderinvolvement #stakeholderbuyin