Congrats to Access Alum Kristen Dunning on this incredible milestone.
Founder of Gently Soap | Shark Tank | Techstars ‘23 | Aveeno’s 2023 Skin Health Startup of the Year | 2023 Black Ambition Top Finalist | Agricultural Researcher
Today, Gently has surpassed the $1,000,000 milestone. ??????????????????????????????? What started as a dorm-room dream is now officially a million-dollar company. It’s a huge deal to surpass a number I once, as a college student, never dreamed of being obtainable. Gently is built on community and I cry thinking of all of the people God has strategically placed in my life to allow this to happen. So here’s a very public, very big thank you letter to the people in my professional circle who I know for sure - I could not have been here without. ??????? David Knauft Narke Norton, PhD Pam Cummins Michael Myers Debbie Butcher James Flannery Bob Pinckney Megan Henning Cassidy Dye, MPA Jennifer Thompson Black Ambition Melissa Pegus Emily Geraghty Hannah Groseclose Adam Tsang John Hamon Kevin Planovsky Candace Nelson This letter below is for you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. ?