After months of planning, dedication, and teamwork, we cant believe we get to share that the Youth Philanthropy Council (YPC) has officially made history! On December 7th, our team successfully hosted St. Nick’s Kicks, a monumental event where we donated 21,000 pairs of brand-new shoes to thousands of people in the San Diego community. Not only were we able to help families in need but in the process, our efforts allowed us to break the Guinness World Record for the largest amount of shoes donated in a 24-hour period! We are beyond grateful for all our supporters and volunteers for helping actualize this tremendous accomplishment. You were the backbone of this success. Hundreds of you showed up with energy, smiles, and hard work, and together, we were able to make an unforgettable impact. Most importantly we are grateful for the families that came to get shoes. We do this event to make our community a little better during the holiday season and getting to see the smiles of the kids and families make every ounce of effort worth it! Again, this event would not have been possible without the tireless work of our volunteers, the incredible support of our sponsors, and the generosity of our community so this record is really for all of us! We'd like to extend a very special thanks to: ? Evolution Design Lab/Jellypop: Your sponsorship made this day a reality. Thank you for believing in our mission and going above and beyond to help make it happen. ? Sharp HealthCare: We are so grateful for allowing us to host the event at the beautiful Sharp Spectrum Center in San Diego. ? ABC 10News San Diego | KGTV Channel 10: Your live coverage starting at 5 AM all the way till the afternoon made all the difference in getting last minute word out. ? Our Youth Philanthropy Council leadership team: Thank you Augustus Holm, Emilio Perez, Anisa Pourteymour, Bruno Perez, Ella Kaminsky, and Asher Robinson for leading the charge on this daunting attempt As we reflect on this incredible achievement, we are filled with gratitude, excitement, and hope. YPC is proof that young people can make real change of monumental proportions, and this event shows what’s possible when a community comes together with a shared purpose. This is our last project of the year, but YPC is hitting the ground running with projects this new year and we can’t wait to share with you what’s next! Stay tuned for our official announcement of our entrepreneurship competition: YPC Labs #YouthPhilanthropyCouncil #StNicksKicks #GuinnessWorldRecord #CommunityImpact #GiveBack #HolidaySpirit #YouthLeadership #NonProfitWork #SanDiegoEvents #MakingADifference #YouthEmpowerment #SocialImpact #Philanthropy #RecordBreakingEvent #Volunteerism #HolidayGiving #Changemakers