Kujtojm? viktimat e sulmit ndaj autobusit Nish Ekspres af?r Podujev?s
Sot sh?nohet 24-vjetori i krimit ndaj civil?ve n? autobusin Nish Ekspres n? Livadic?, af?r Podujev?s, ku u vran? 12 serb? dhe u plagos?n 10 t? tjer?. Ata ishin n? rrug? p?r vizit?, Kosov?, shumica prej tyre p?r t? vizituar familjar?t e tyre. T? gjith? viktimat ishin civil? q? m? par? kishin jetuar n? Kosov?.
Pasi m? 13 mars 2009, paneli i p?rzier i Gjykat?s Supreme t? Kosov?s liroi Florim Ejupin nga t? gjitha akuzat p?r k?t? sulm ndaj civil?ve p?r shkak t? munges?s s? provave, ky krim ende mbetet i pazgjidhur. N? k?t? dit?, ne kujtojm? Nenad Stojanoviq, Milinko Kragoviq, Lazar Milkiq, Dragan Vukotiq, Sun?ica Pej?iq, Zhivana Tokiq, Slobodan Stojanoviq, Mirjana Dragoviq, Nebojsha Cokiq, Snezhana Cokiq, Danilo Cokiq dhe Veljko Stakiq q? u vran? n? k?t? sulm t? kryer nga nj? shp?rthim mine m? 16 shkurt 2001.
YIHR Kosova i p?rkujton institucioneve t? Kosov?s obligimin q? kan? p?r t? p?rndjekur penalisht k?t? sulm, posa??risht pasiq? ky ?sht? nj? prej krimeve m? t? r?nda t? kryera kund?r civil?ve serb? t? Kosov?s q? nga ardhja e forcave nd?rkomb?tare ne Kosov?. V?nia e drejt?sis? p?r te gjith? viktimat dhe t? mbijetuarit/at e krimeve t? lidhura me konfliktin ?sht? thelb?sore p?r procesin e pajtimit dhe p?r nd?rtimin e shoq?rive paq?sore n? rajon.
T? rinj p?r me kujtu, t? p?rkushtuar q? kurr? mos me harru!
Remembering the Victims of the Attack on the Nis-Express Bus Near Podujevo
Today marks the 24th anniversary of the crimes against civilians on the Nis Express bus in Livadice near Podujevo, when 12 Serb civilians were killed and 10 others wounded. They were on their way to visit Kosovo, most of them traveling to visit with their families. All the victims were civilians who had previously lived in Kosovo.
After the mixed panel of the Supreme Court of Kosovo acquitted Florim Ejupi due to lack of evidence on March 13, 2009, this crime remains unresolved. On this day, we remember Nenad Stojanovi?, Milinko Kragovi?, Lazar Milki?, Dragan Vukoti?, Sun?ica Pej?i?, ?ivana Toki?, Slobodan Stojanovi?, Mirjana Dragovi?, Neboj?a Coki?, Sne?ana Coki?, Danilo Coki?, and Veljko Staki? who were killed in this attack carried out by a mine explosion on February 16, 2001.
YIHR Kosovo reminds Kosovo institutions of the obligation they have to prosecute this attack, especially since this is one of the most severe crimes committed against Kosovo Serbs civilians since the arrival of international forces in Kosovo.
Bringing justice to all the victims and survivors of conflict-related crimes is crucial towards reconciliation and towards building peaceful societies in the region.
Too young to remember, determined to never forget!