#Federal jobs are no longer as secure as we thought.
Sr. BA at Deloitte | Resume Writer - I help people get hired faster | Product Management and Design | Management Consultant - Federal + Commercial
?? Federal jobs - the long held belief of them being eternal and the gold standard of career stability, has just shattered. This is an unsolicited wake-up call for both the federal and private-sector workforce. Be prepared. At-will employment is a two-way street, unfortunately. A not so gentle reminder to: 1. Expand your networks and be engaged with them and your industry 2. Never let that 10-year old resume get too dusty, keep it current, ready, and ATS compliant 3. Be informed and in the loop on the changing tides that affect your work 4. Update your LinkedIn profiles and leverage the network to surf the career waves . . . . #layoffs #federal #freeze #usaid #government #employment #federalemployees #governmentcontractor #unemployment #cvwriter #resumewriter #linkedinprofileoptimization #jobsearchtips #jobhunting #vacancies #hiring #cvwriting #coverletterwriting #yourwriternb #motivation #washingtondc #maryland #virginia #dc