Yes&, LLC转发了
Last weekend, I saved 314 photos to an album titled “remember.” To replace what we lost in the fire, we must list in detail everything we had. …but what was in that bin under the TV, again?? How many HDMI cords did we own — and is that where I put the extra computer charger? Where do you think they purchased the entry table recently passed down to us? …how old do you think that was? does the store still even exist? I’m at risk of this being a pity party post, which is not my intention. But I understand through writing. I make sense by creating meaning to share on stage and with my clients. Especially when questions like “I’m wondering if it’s worth it to save $100 when it takes me hours to find the better deal…” are commonly reflected in client sessions. I’ve had that same thought throughout the inventory process. Thousands of dollars in insurance reimbursements are on the table… but at what cost? When does it become ludicrous to document every detail of every item, and then organize and upload the relevant receipt to prove the actual replacement? …for every item. Every. Item. Is it not enough to lose everything? Must we also scroll through an album to remember all that is lost?? “ah yes, I loved that mug… I forgot mom made me a quilt for graduation… I was so excited to purchase that camera for business… I’m not sure we’ll find a dresser we love that much again..” There’s no doubt this process is flipping my perspective of value and money on its head. I believe for the best. A quote that’s been stuck in my mind all week is, “Money comes and goes. Life just goes.” Does that ruffle your perspective on value and money, too?