Our Mission: YES to YOUTH – Montgomery County Youth Services provides crisis counseling, shelter programs, and prevention services to strengthen families, keep youth in school, and prepare them to be productive citizens.
With your help, YES to YOUTH – Montgomery County Youth Services provides:
? Individual Youth and Family Mental Health Counseling, and Grief Counseling at
our offices and local schools
? Group Counseling and Skills Development in both public and private schools
? BridgeWay Emergency Youth Shelter, housing up to 15 homeless youth in need
(ages 10-17) – some victims of abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking
or living on the streets.
? Healthy Supports, a program for pregnant and parenting teens. Offering resources,
education, employment, family management and parenting skills
? Decisions Parenting & Youth Skills Groups Program
? Suicide Prevention Presentations, for groups in schools
? Camp Watsitumi, a therapeutic summer camp
? Street Outreach, responding to crisis calls from youth, the community, and families in crisis
? We offer a 24-hour, 7 days a week on-call response to the Crisis Runaway Hotline: (888) 756-8682
Established in 1979 by a group of community leaders with a vision to create new opportunities for
at-risk youth, YES to YOUTH – Montgomery County Youth Services (MCYS) is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to committing time and effort to help youth and their families expand their
existing strengths and build new hopes that will encourage future opportunities to enhance their lives.
51-200 人
Counseling、Youth Shelter、Empowerment、Suicide Prevention、Family Mental Health Counseling、Grief Counseling和Crisis Hotline