Senior Department of Defense leaders actively engaged with the staff at Walter Reed, focused on enhancing military medical readiness and workforce improvements. This forum emphasized the essential connection between quality healthcare and military preparedness, highlighting Walter Reed’s dedication to supporting service members, retirees and their families. Read More: #DOD #MilitaryReadiness #WalterReed
Mr. Darin Selnick, the Official Performing the Duties of Under Secretary of Defense, participated in a town hall at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last week, where senior leaders addressed concerns ranging from military medical #readiness to workforce reductions and efficiency improvements. Mr. Selnick pointed out two critical things: 1. Health care equals medical readiness 2. Patient confidence determines an institution's success. "Patients will vote with their feet," he said. "If you are quality, people will come from long distances and wait [to receive your care]. People will flee if there are long wait times and poor care. It's the whole environment." Read more about the session below: