Kidney Transplant focused OCT System tested at PracticePoint Automated Robotic OCT System - tested in our Operating Room Suite = - Captures entire kidney, resulting in real-time, accurate diagnostic images - Created by Haichong Zhang & Xihan Ma - utilized facility printed 3-d kidney phantoms & - evaluated human kidneys (donated & transplant-rejected) - Made possible with a 2.5+ M Grant from National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) - Collaboration with University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Oklahoma, and Clinician feedback from Georgetown University Results - demonstrated its ability to adapt to the often asymmetrical shape of the kidney? - capture highly accurate images of its tubular structures Read more: To utilize the PP facility for your testing needs, contact Catherine D. Bouthillier at [email protected] Worcester Polytechnic Institute
With 90,000 people in the U.S. on a waitlist for kidney transplantation, WPI researchers are focused on using medical robotics to help save lives. Haichong Zhang, associate professor of robotics engineering and biomedical engineering, and Xihan Ma, a robotics engineering PhD student, have developed a robotic system that provides real-time imaging of donated kidneys to help clinicians determine if a kidney is viable for transplantation. The system seeks to provide a more complete assessment of a donated organ’s health in a timely fashion. With @WorldKidneyDay, which focuses on kidney health awareness and prevention of kidney disease, on Thursday, read more about how this innovation can improve the process of matching kidney donors with people awaiting a transplant. @Worldkidneyday