Today marks 10 years of Woodblock Architecture. Ten years of buildings, laughs, deadlines, beers, tears, and permits. We've changed a lot over the last decade and can't wait to share more of it with you. Starting a business, keeping a business, sharing a business... none of it is an easy feat and we are so grateful to everyone that's helped us get here. We love you. Cheers to 10 years and here's to plenty more Woodblock! 1. In case you missed it, we're turning 10! 2. Just a group of our favorite people, gathering over our favorite foods because that is the secret to excellent architecture. Sharing a bite has been a staple since day one, whether it's together as a team in someone's home or at a happy hour with someone we might work with some day, food has brought us together and continues to keep us together. 3. First office we ever had, though some might argue it was more than that; it was a room by the train. And yes, we had to be quiet whenever anyone took a call, we had to ask people on the phone to hold when the train would roll by and blare out it's horn, we had piles and boxes and things in every corner because that's what a first office is. It's chaos and learning that you can do anything, even in just one room. 4. Grocery Outlet was one of the first projects we had real marketing photos for, and we knew if we could make a grocery aisle pop... the sky was the limit. 5. A summer bbq where one of the owners may or may not have fallen and rolled down a steep hill. Were they hurt? We can't remember. Was it funny? Hell yes. 6. Our second office, we got straight to work decorating with some select vintage signage. This was huge, it was a real office, with a real conference room and while we've always been a real business, this was when it really started feeling real. 7. THE number one golf event in the pacific northwest... yes it's our annual golf tournament where you do everything but golf. Because we started realizing that every summer it was the same thing, lots of golf but just different groups of people. And that's when we decided we were going to show people that we weren't like everyone else. Today it is one of our most coveted events we put on. 8. Soph was our first resident dog in the office, and her dedication to leaving fur on furniture was absolutely a design decision. 9. Our first award winning court, because we ball out. Having this project recognized wasn't special because it was just a gym, but this was a place of community and seeing that celebrated meant we gave the community something worth keeping. 10. We moved again? Yep, but not far, just a few blocks down the road to where we could fit more wine glasses and conference rooms and grow even more over the next 10 years! Cheers and thank you for each and every one of you that has had a hand in Woodblock big and small! #portlandarchitecture #smallbusiness #businessanniversary #portlandarchitects #smallbusinesspdx #portlandsmallbusiness #pdxarchitecture #pdxarchitects