It’s the last day of #LoboWeek and Wolf Haven International is honored to play a part in the conservation of this incredible species! Wolf Haven has participated in the Mexican Wolf Saving Animals From Extinction (formerly Species Survival Plan) program since 1994, as both a captive-breeding facility and a pre-release facility. The recovery program currently manages a captive population of over 400 Mexican wolves in 60 facilities across the United States and Mexico. Some of these Mexican wolves will be potential candidates for release into the wild, while the rest remain in captivity as part of the selective breeding program. Wolves selected for release, and pups that are cross-fostered in wild dens, will join one of the free-ranging populations of Mexican wolves in the southwestern United States or northern Mexico, contributing to the preservation of their critically endangered species for years to come. THANK YOU to all the individuals in Mexico and the United States who have helped save the Mexican wolf subspecies and ultimately return them to the wild. Wolf Haven is proud to be a part of this journey, and we appreciate each and every Mexican wolf who has been born into the program as part of the effort to recover their species. – ?Es el último día de #LoboWeek y Wolf Haven International es sumamente honrado de participar en la conservación de esta increíble especie! Desde 1994, Wolf Haven ha participado como institución de reproducción en cautiverio y como instalación pre-liberación en el programa Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE, anteriormente Species Survival Plan) para el lobo mexicano. El programa de recuperación actualmente maneja una población cautiva de más de 400 lobos mexicanos en 60 instalaciones en los Estados Unidos y México. Algunos de estos lobos mexicanos serán candidatos potenciales para ser liberados en la naturaleza, mientras que el resto permanece en cautiverio como parte del programa de reproducción selectiva. Los lobos seleccionados para liberación y los cachorros nacidos en cautiverio que han sido integrados a? guaridas salvajes, se unirán a una de las poblaciones de lobos mexicanos en libertad en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos o el norte de México, contribuyendo a la preservación de su especie en los a?os venideros. GRACIAS a todas las personas en México y los Estados Unidos que han ayudado a salvar la subespecie de lobo mexicano y devolverlos a la naturaleza. Wolf Haven se enorgullece de ser parte de este projecto, y apreciamos a todos y cada uno de los lobos mexicanos que han nacido en el programa como parte del esfuerzo por recuperar su especie. _ Trail camera footage of Mexican wolf M1458 (Hodari). #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfsanctuary #mexicanwolves #lobos #conserveandprotect #anniversary #celebrate #savinganimalsfromextinction #SAFE #wolfrecovery #repopulation #wolfconservation #endangeredspeciesact
Wolf Haven International
Tenino,Washington 399 位关注者
“To conserve and protect wolves and their habitat.”
Wolf Haven International is a nationally recognized wolf sanctuary that has rescued and provided a lifetime home for over 300 displaced, captive-born animals since 1982 under the mission?“to conserve and protect wolves and their habitat.” Many of the wolves and wolfdogs that are relocated to Wolf Haven come from private ownership, while others come from zoos, roadside attractions, and other unfortunate situations. Our wolves are given exceptional care, quality food, a variety of enrichment items, and progressive medical treatment. We also?offer educational programs about wolves and other wildlife, promote wolf restoration in historical ranges, and work to protect wild wolves and their habitat. Wolf Haven is accredited by both the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and the American Sanctuary Association.
- 网站
Wolf Haven International的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 非盈利组织
- 规模
- 11-50 人
- 总部
- Tenino,Washington
- 类型
- 非营利机构
- 创立
- 1982
- 领域
- Sanctuary、Wolves、Conservation和Education
3111 Offutt Lake Rd Se
Wolf Haven International员工
Vic Merolla CIG
Volunteer Coordinator at South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity | VP Board of Directors Wolf Haven International
Diane Gallegos
Executive Director at Wolf Haven International
Evan Skytte
Director Of Development, Wolf Haven International
Cindy Irwin
Volunteer/Education Coordinator at Wolf Haven International
It’s #LoboWeek! Did you know Mexican wolves historically lived throughout the southwestern United States ?– mainly Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas – and in the high mountainous regions of Mexico? While they were common throughout this range through the early 1900s, high cattle stocking rates and declining populations of native prey caused many wolves to feed on livestock. This led to intensive efforts to eradicate Mexican wolves. By the mid-1900s, Mexican wolves had been effectively eliminated from the U.S. and populations in Mexico were severely reduced. Mexican wolves were listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as an endangered species in 1976 following the passage of the Endangered Species Act, prompting a binational recovery effort to save the species from extinction. Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that the wild Mexican wolf population in the United States increased 11% from last year to a minimum count of 286 wolves. – ?Es #LoboWeek! ?Sabías que los lobos mexicanos vivían históricamente en todo el suroeste de los Estados Unidos, principalmente en Arizona, Nuevo México y Texas, y en las regiones monta?osas altas de México? Si bien eran comunes en todo este rango hasta principios del siglo pasado, las altas tasas de introducción de ganado y la disminución de las poblaciones de presas nativas hicieron que muchos lobos se alimentaran de ganado. Esto condujo a intensos esfuerzos para erradicar a los lobos mexicanos. Para mediados del siglo, los lobos mexicanos habían sido efectivamente eliminados de los EE. UU. y las poblaciones en México se redujeron drásticamente. En 1976, los lobos mexicanos fueron catalogados por el Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (USFWS) como una especie en peligro de extinción siguiendo la aprobación de la Ley de Especies en Peligro de Extinción, lo que generó un esfuerzo binacional de recuperación para salvar a la especie de la extinción. Este mes, USFWS anunció que la población silvestre de lobo mexicano en los Estados Unidos incrementó en un 11% en comparación con el a?o anterior, con un censo mínimo de 286 lobos. _ #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfsanctuary #mexicanwolves #lobos #conserveandprotect #anniversary #celebrate #savinganimalsfromextinction #SAFE #wolfrecovery #repopulation #family #wolfconservation #endangeredspeciesact #ESA #washington #pnw #GFAS
It’s #LoboWeek! While Mexican wolves are found in a variety of southwestern habitats today, did you know they are not low desert dwellers as once commonly believed? They prefer mountain woodlands, probably because of the favorable combination of cover, water, and available prey. Wolves do not migrate seasonally, except in areas where prey animals migrate to lower elevations in winter and wolves follow. In most current Mexican wolf home territories, this is not the case. – ?Es #LoboWeek! Si bien los lobos mexicanos se encuentran en una variedad de hábitats del sudoeste hoy en día, ?sabías que no son habitantes del desierto bajo como se creía comúnmente? Prefieren los bosques de monta?a, probablemente debido a la combinación favorable de cobertura, agua y presas disponibles. Los lobos no migran con el cambio de estaciones, excepto en áreas donde los animales de presa migran a elevaciones más bajas en invierno y los lobos los siguen. En la mayoría de los territorios actuales de los lobos mexicanos, éste no es el caso. _ Photo of Vida male and Mexican wolf F2053 (Magnolia) by Gelane Clements. #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfsanctuary #mexicanwolves #lobos #conserveandprotect #anniversary #celebrate #savinganimalsfromextinction #SAFE #wolfrecovery #repopulation #family #wolfconservation #endangeredspeciesact #ESA #washington #pnw #GFAS
It’s #LoboWeek! Did you know Mexican wolves hunt cooperatively to bring down prey animals usually much larger than themselves? This is accomplished primarily by chasing their prey over large distances. However, hunting behavior and strategies vary depending on terrain, prey size, and availability. Native prey for Mexican wolves include elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, javelina, rabbits, and other small mammals. One of the first Mexican wolf groups released in 1998 was the Hawk’s Nest pack – a family of six from Wolf Haven International – who successfully hunted an elk less than a week after being released! – ?Es #LoboWeek! ?Sabías que los lobos mexicanos cazan de manera cooperativa para derribar animales de presa, por lo general mucho más grandes que ellos? Lo logran principalmente persiguiendo a sus presas durante grandes distancias. Sin embargo, el comportamiento y las estrategias de caza varían según el terreno, el tama?o de la presa y la disponibilidad. Las presas nativas de los lobos mexicanos incluyen wapitis, venados bura, venados de cola blanca, jabalíes, conejos y otros mamíferos peque?os. Uno de los primeros grupos de lobos mexicanos liberados en 1998 fue la manada de Hawk's Nest, una familia de seis miembros proveniente de Wolf Haven International, ?que cazaron con éxito un wapiti en menos de una semana después de ser liberados! _ #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfsanctuary #mexicanwolves #lobos #conserveandprotect #anniversary #celebrate #savinganimalsfromextinction #SAFE #wolfrecovery #repopulation #family #wolfconservation #endangeredspeciesact #ESA #washington #pnw #GFAS
It’s #LoboWeek! Did you know Mexican wolves have a complex social structure and an intricate communication system just like other canids? This includes body postures, scent marking, and numerous vocalizations (howling, barking, whining, growling). They live in extended family groups, or packs, consisting of an adult mated pair and their offspring, often from several generations. The pair is usually monogamous, and they typically are the only breeding animals in the pack. Although highly variable, a typical Mexican wolf pack might consist of 4-8 animals with a territory encompassing up to several hundred square miles. – ?Es #LoboWeek! ?Sabías que los lobos mexicanos tienen una estructura social compleja y un intrincado sistema de comunicación al igual que otros cánidos? Esto incluye posturas corporales, marcas de olor y numerosas vocalizaciones (aullidos, ladridos, gemidos, gru?idos). Viven en grupos familiares extensos, o manadas, que consisten en una pareja reproductiva adulta y su descendencia, a menudo de varias generaciones. La pareja suele ser monógama y, por lo general, son los únicos animales reproductores de la manada. Aunque es muy variable, una manada típica de lobos mexicanos puede constar de 4 a 8 animales con un territorio que abarca hasta varios cientos de millas cuadradas. _ Trail cam footage of Mexican wolves F2053 (Magnolia) and M1428 (Agave). #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfsanctuary #mexicanwolves #lobos #conserveandprotect #anniversary #celebrate #savinganimalsfromextinction #SAFE #wolfrecovery #repopulation #family #wolfconservation #endangeredspeciesact #ESA #washington #pnw #GFAS
It’s #LoboWeek! Did you know the Mexican wolf is the smallest, rarest, and most genetically distinct subspecies of gray wolf in North America? Mexican wolves typically weigh 50-80 pounds, measure about 5? feet from nose to tail, and stand 28-32 inches at the shoulder. They have a distinctive, richly colored coat of buff, gray, rust, and black, often with distinguishing facial patterns and long mane-like hair around their neck. Solid black or white variations of Mexican wolves do not exist like other North American gray wolves. – ?Es #LoboWeek! ?Sabías que el lobo mexicano es la subespecie de lobo gris más peque?a, rara y genéticamente distinta de América del Norte? Los lobos mexicanos suelen pesar entre 50 y 80 libras, miden alrededor de 5? pies desde la nariz hasta la cola y miden entre 28 y 32 pulgadas al hombro. Tienen una capa distintiva y ricamente coloreada de beige, gris, óxido y negro, a menudo con patrones faciales distintivos y pelo largo parecido a una melena alrededor del cuello. Las variaciones sólidas en blanco o negro de los lobos mexicanos no existen como en otros lobos grises norteamericanos. _ Photo of Mexican wolf F1361 (Sedona) by Gelane Clements. #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfsanctuary #mexicanwolves #lobos #conserveandprotect #anniversary #celebrate #savinganimalsfromextinction #SAFE #wolfrecovery #repopulation #family #wolfconservation #endangeredspeciesact #ESA #washington #pnw #GFAS
On March 29, 1998, 11 captive-born Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) were released into the wild for the first time in the Blue Range Recovery Area of Arizona and New Mexico. Missing from the landscape for more than 30 years, the howl of the most unique subspecies of gray wolf was once again greeted by the mountains of the southwest. This week marks the 27th anniversary of this historic event, a significant milestone for the Mexican wolf and wildlife conservation. Join us as we celebrate #LoboWeek, an international movement to share information about "el lobo" and our efforts to successfully restore this critically endangered wolf to their ancestral home in the wild! Tune in tomorrow for the first of many fun facts about this incredible species ?? – El 29 de marzo de 1998, 11 lobos mexicanos (Canis lupus baileyi) nacidos en cautiverio fueron liberados en vida silvestre por primera vez en el área de Recuperación Blue Range de Arizona y Nuevo México. Desaparecido del paisaje durante más de 30 a?os, el aullido de la subespecie más singular de lobo gris fue nuevamente escuchado en las monta?as del suroeste. Esta semana marca el 27 aniversario de este evento histórico, un hito significativo para la conservación del lobo mexicano y la vida silvestre. ?únanse a nosotros para celebrar #LoboWeek, un movimiento internacional para compartir información sobre el lobo y nuestros esfuerzos para restaurar con éxito a esta especie en peligro de extinción a su hogar ancestral en la naturaleza! Conéctate ma?ana para conocer el primero de muchos datos divertidos sobre esta increíble especie. ??
? We are hiring! ? Wolf Haven is searching for a part-time Membership & Visitor Assistant to join our team in Tenino, Washington. This position is responsible for fulfilling the organization’s shipping needs, maintaining order processing procedures, and operating the Visitor Center at least one day per week. If you are interested or know someone who would like to be considered, head to our Indeed job posting to read the role requirements and apply: _ Photo of male wolfdog, Houston, by Gelane Clements. #hiring #jobs #membershipassistant #administrativework #visitorcenter #assistant #parttime #work #sanctuary #education #conservation #washington #sanctuarylife #wolfsanctuary #wolves #joinourteam #jobalert
Thank you to everyone who supported Wolves & Wine this past week. Whether you bid on online auction items, raised your paddle, or volunteered your time to ensure the event ran smoothly - all of your efforts helped us raise over $198,000 for the wolves and wolfdogs in our care! This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and we are so glad to share that it was such a huge success _ Photo of our newest rescues, Penn & Ellie, by Gelane Clements. #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolvesandwine #fundraiser #success #event #fundraising #results #donations #makeadifference #wolfsanctuary #sanctuarylife #conserveandprotect #outstandingwildlifesanctuary #washington #pnw #GFAS
During the winter, North American wolves are typically nomadic and move around as cohesive packs following prey. However, as spring arrives, packs tend to adopt more localized lifestyles to provide resources to denning mothers and pups. Once pups are old enough to leave the den at around eight weeks old, each pack reorganizes around a rendezvous site, where pups are cared for by a pack member as the rest of the wolves forage alone or hunt in small groups. Due to this shift in feeding strategy, during the spring and summer wolves are more likely to subsist on smaller prey such as newborn ungulates and small mammals. While all pack members assist in provisioning the pups, a 2023 study by Gable et al. found that the breeding pair showed more commitment to bringing the pups food than other subordinate adults. Once winter returns, pups are strong enough to join their pack in traveling long distances, and the full-pack hunts of larger prey resume. _ Photo credit Gable et al. 2023; full paper available at #wolfhaveninternational #sanctuary #education #conservation #wolf #wolves #wolfseasons #wolfpack #wolfpups #packlife #hunting #foodforthought