#1 Bestselling Author & Founder of The Leadership Evolution Program | Nationally Recognized Executive Leadership Coach | Expert in Leadership Development and Emotional Intelligence | CEO & President of Winning Ways Inc.
"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another." - John C. Maxwell. Many years ago, I was interviewing for a teaching position in one of George Mason University’s graduate programs.? When the program head found out that I didn’t have my graduate degree, she said, “You must get your graduate degree to lead this program.” “I don’t have time right now,” I told her. “My husband and I just moved to this area, we are still getting settled, and I know college programs take a lot of time and effort.” “You can do this, and I know you can do it quickly,” she responded. By the time I left the interview, I was registered for graduate school. And I got the teaching position. The program head was my boss. She was difficult. She was a micromanager, perfectionist, and extremely direct. However, she fully believed in me. Her faith in me was powerful, and it changed my life. Anytime I am faced with something that I don’t feel ready for or don’t want to do, I can hear her loud and clear, “You can do this!”? It was the start of leaning into discomfort to expand my life. Let’s celebrate the leaders in our life! I invite you to share a story about a leader that positively impacted you. Please leave your story in the comments below. #NavigatingUncertainty #LeadershipSkills #GTownCoach