Much of America's future is being tied to no or low-carbon sources of energy. In fact, the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) is projected to add 127 GW of wind generation capacity to the U.S. by 2030, roughly doubling the expected wind contributions to today's grids. However, wind is intermittent, and two problems develop from overbuilding: 1) demand is unable to keep up with generation, and many turbines are forced to idle; 2) a way to capture the excess generation is to build stationary batteries, at a significant cost. Either way, there are many extra resources present on the grid, which, themselves, require carbon to manufacture, install and maintain.
The WindEverest app guides electric car drivers to tap surplus electricity generated by wind turbines. Currently there are a few nights each year that the grids in the N. American Great Plains experience electric surpluses. A surplus, is any time that there is so much wind-driven energy on the grid, that the balancing authority (BA) for that grid needs to command wind turbines to stop. Since the wind turbine buildout is growing faster than electric vehicle introduction, these surpluses will only get worse. Unfortunately, for most drivers, the winds are either underreported in conventional weather forecasts, or, their apparent impact can be hundreds of miles away.
WindEverest app forecasts for the week ahead a hybrid infrastructure/wind report. Users tap the grid at the times winds are strong, and skip the nights when the winds are not producing. Electric prices are driven down. The wind turbines collect more fees. And your neighbors breathe cleaner air. That is what we call, a win-win-win for wind. Visit today, to see how you can join in.
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wind、electric generation、social media、demand forecasting、weather forecasting、analytics、app development、intellectual property、electric vehicles、sustainability、low emissions、transportation、software development、behavioral economics、demand response、algorithms、UX和renewables