Excited to share Wildmon.ai's latest blog on how bioacoustic monitoring is being used to assess the impact of rubber agroforestry on wildlife in Thailand. ???? This represents but a step in laying to rest the toxic and prevailing myth that humans and humanity are defacto "bad" for the Earth. This narrative drives further isolation, extraction, and separation of humanity from the soil and web of life we're intimately dependent upon... more on that in another post! In this project, we're actively tracking three key groups: monoculture rubber, diversified Wanakaset agroforestry (our farmer partners), and secondary forests. Our aim is to quantify the species abundance and richness of each system, exploring how similar - in terms of complexity - agroforestry can map against secondary forests. This work demonstrates how technology and ecological stewardship increasingly intersect, providing crucial insights into relationship and potential of regenerative agroforestry as a driver in supporting the Earth's innumerable inhabitants. Check out the full story here: The VF Foundation Chrissy Durkin WildMon URAIWAN TONGKEAMKEAW