We've sponsored ~20 interns through the Genesis Block program.
23 Months of Internships benefitted me immensely in jumpstarting my software engineering career. I try to return the favor by sponsoring interns wherever I can. Receiving 'thank you' notes like the following is a lovely downstream consequence of that giving. But the real benefit is knowing that another intern is succeeding. "Hi Mr. Whitehill, I'm starting my second year of university, and many of the opportunities I've been granted have been due to the reference and recommendation you gave me last year. Do you have any time where I could thank you and catch up, maybe if you still have the consultation website we used last year? Thank you again for your time, S.J." Sometimes all it takes is some mentoring and a reference letter. Have you considered starting an internship program? In today's pic, we see three of my 2023 Genesis Block interns modeling the monetary properties of Bitcoin after reading the first chapters of "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous.