Court is Now in Session! ERISA Litigation Update 2023/2024
Meeting description:?
Litigation is expensive and time-consuming, but the parties often leave the courthouse with hard-won lessons for the future (and lighter wallets). Fortunately for us, the spectators, the experiences reflected in the pages of the Federal Reporter are available for all to see, and we can use the cautionary tales they tell to minimize the risks to our clients – and ourselves – as we navigate the complex and evolving legal requirements that apply to employee benefit plans and the people who work with them.
ERISA has been fertile ground for litigation for years, and 2023 did not mark a change in that regard. The Supreme Court is considering major changes to the operation of Federal agencies – including the IRS, DOL, PBGC, and HHS – and these changes may substantially impact how future guidance is developed. The Court is also facing some of the consequences of its Dobbs decision, and the direction it takes is likely to further impact health plans and their sponsors. The lower courts are fully in on the action as well, dealing with developing fee and cost claims for both retirement and health plans, changing what we thought we knew about prohibited transactions, investment governance and fiduciary responsibility, ERISA preemption, and worker classification, among many other things. Hope you didn’t have any vacations planned this year! To keep you up-to-date about developments in the courts during 2023 and to give you a preview of coming attractions in 2024, we will discuss these and other emerging ERISA litigation issues for plan sponsors, fiduciaries, and vendors. Come join us as we learn from the mistakes of others and discover a few new ways to help our clients avoid ending up on the wrong side of the “versus” in a case caption
About our?speaker:?
Timothy G. Verrall is a shareholder in the Houston office of Ogletree Deakins where he advises a diverse range of clients on a wide variety of employee benefit plan issues arising under ERISA, the Internal Revenue Code, and related federal and state laws including employee benefit plan design and administration, executive and incentive compensation, controversies and litigation, plan investments and health care privacy. Tim is a past president of the Orange County Chapter of the Western Pension & Benefits Conference and is a frequent speaker on employee benefits topics for industry organizations.
Date: Tuesday, April 16th?(registration deadline: April 12th)
Speaker: Tim Verrall, Ogletree Deakins
Networking: 11:30 to Noon Program: Noon to 1 pm
?Location: Pillsbury 11682 El Camino Real,?Suite 200?| San Diego, CA 92130-2092
Meeting Fees: Pay As You Go Member $65//Non-Members $75// ?
Prepaid Members no charge, but a reservation is still required?