Well in Montclair is a minority/woman-owned wellness practice located in Montclair, NJ. Owner, Cathy Stephenson, has been practicing in Montclair since 2005. In 2022, she started Well in Montclair to help members of the community chart their individualized wellness path and reap the benefits of multiple forms of treatment, all in one location.
Our team-oriented approach allows us to pull in the right experts, at the right time to not only fix, but prevent injuries from happening again as part of an individualized wellness program. Our cross functional practitioners help members of our practice find physical vitality, mental health, resilience, a quality lifestyle and supportive community to extend their lifespan and experience optimum health.
There’s no one way to measure wellbeing. Our cross functional practitioners are your guides to finding physical vitality, mental health, resilience, a quality lifestyle and supportive community to extend your lifespan and to experience optimum health. Our team-oriented approach allows us to pull in the right people, at the right time to not only fix, but prevent injuries from happening again. Our individualized, holistic wellness programs treat the whole person, not just the injury.
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Women's Health、Men's Health、Physical Therapy、Shockwave Therapy、Cupping、Massage Therapy、Acupuncture、Nutrition Counseling、Life Coaching、Vibrational Therapy、Red Light Therapy、Emsella和Emsculpt NEO