We did it. Cameron Kostopoulos's In the Current of Being won the Agog Impact Award at SXSW as part of the XR Competition. Congratulations to visionary?Cameron Kostopoulos, who worked fearlessly and passionately behind this creation. If we want to make any change, we must be bold. Cameron's speech: "Two days ago, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that could make conversion therapy legal across the country again. That’s the reality we’re living in.?With immersive art, we have the power to take something people might read about and allow them to feel it. To step inside someone else’s reality and experience their story in a real and physical way. With this project, we wanted to share the story of a woman who survived something unimaginable - something that should never happen to her, or anyone else, in any form, ever again. Thank you Carolyn for trusting me with your story to share. To my incredible team here with me, Nina, Taylor, Matt, Mark, Ty, for being here with me - to my producers, Katayoun, Avi, Amy, Chip - to the Rockefeller Family Fund, to CNC, Villa Albertine, Onassis ONX - to the amazing artists who contributed to this project - and to everyone who has fought , and continues to fight, against the harms of conversion therapy. Thank you.'' Our special thanks to our partners Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Rockefeller Family Fund, Villa Albertine, the French Institute for Culture and Education and Onassis ONX. Avi AmarOlivier Fontenay, Pauline Augrain, Camille Jeanjean ?? GDC, Bettina Gardelles, Vincent Florant, Amy Seidenwurm, Chip Giller and many more Photos credits @laurenlindleyphoto.