In times like these, celebrating Queer Joy is an act of resistance, more important than ever. The Queer Joy podcast is your ticket to the 2024 PTP Pink Awards, a national pay-it-forward celebration, of queer excellence, hosted by Queen Priyanka, where Champions chose changemaking charities from the queer community to uplift and amplify. This year, our champions Elliot Page, Jeremy Dutcher, Latoya Nugent, Marie-Philip Poulin, and Rufus Wainwright celebrated their Chanegemakers Skipping Stone, 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations, The The 519 Among Friends program, pflag Canada, and You Can Play Project, while the awards honoured our inaugural Legacy winner, philanthropist Salah Bachir C.M., O.ONT.. Join host Daniel MacIvor for inspiring heart-to-hearts with our Champions and their chosen charities now for the 7-part podcast launch here bit.ly/3WQxKmJ Thank you to our sponsors and partners who made the inaugural Pink Awards and the Queer Joy Podcast possible, everythingpodcasts.com, Coma Edits, Presenting Partner DECIEM | THE ABNORMAL BEAUTY COMPANY, Awards Sponsor BMO, Media Sponsors The Globe and Mail, iHeartRadio, Playback Magazine, and Kelly Greene Co. Thank you to our incredible team at Pink Triangle Press, David Walberg, Jennifer McGuire, Andrew Chang, Andrew Nolan, Heaton Dyer, Gina Hara, Lina Khalifeh, Mitchell Cheeseman, Roberto Bonifacio, Lorilynn Barker, Nia Herlihy, CHRL, Kevin Andrews, Angela Mullins, Darnell Leahing, and Christof Cherrie #queerjoypod #ptppinkawards #pinktrianglepress #LGBTQadvocacy #LGBTQawards #ElliotPage #JeremyDutcher #LatoyaNugent #MariePhilipPoulin #RufusWainwright #queerjoy #2SLGBTQIA #LGBTQIA #queerexcellence