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Somewhere over the rainbow is the end of tax season! Luck is on our side during tax season in March!!
Walz Group is a cohesive team of financial professionals and business experts serving a wide array of businesses and organizations in the South-Central Pennsylvania area. We are passionately focused on helping to meet the financial and organizational goals of our clients. Adhering to our philosophy of Ultimate Accountability, we provide our clients with the best knowledge base, the highest degree of personalized support, and a full breadth of expertise in accounting, auditing, tax, and business management services.
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Somewhere over the rainbow is the end of tax season! Luck is on our side during tax season in March!!
Getting tax credits to lower the amount of tax you owe or to increase your refund sounds great but there are several distinct types of tax credits available including refundable, nonrefundable, and partly refundable. Follow this post to find out the types of tax credits available and how to stay within the current tax law when claiming your credits. #Tax #TaxLaws #TaxCredits #RefundableTaxCredits #NonRefundableTaxCredit #TaxLiability #SaversCredit #DependentCredit #LifetimeLearningCredit #EnergyEefficientHomeImprovementCredit #ReportingRequirements #EarnedIncomeTaxCredit #PremiumTaxCredit #Healthcare #Coverage #AffordableCareActHealthInsuranceMarketplaces #PartiallyRefundableCredits #ChildCredit #AmericanOpportunityCredit #QualifiedEducationExpenses #College #Students #PostsecondaryEducation #TheNationalTaxpayerAdvocate #AdjustedGrossIncome #ModifiedAdjustedGrossIncome #InvestmentIncome #EarnedIncome #Assurance #Audit #Rules #Regulatons #Laws #Penalty
There are several global challenges manufacturers are facing when looking to take their business international with exporting, follow this post for financial benefits and support options for a successful export venture. #Business #Manufacturing #Manufacturer #International #Exports #Exporting #Global #International #Technology #Logistics #Distance #Time #TradeAgreements #Markets #Currency #ExchangeRate #Global #Revenue #Demand #Sales #Resources #Profit #Earnings #Operations #Protections #Diversification #Competition #Outlays #Travel #Packaging #Materials #Staff #Finances #Support
It is important for businesses and business owners to be aware of and comply with a variety of laws and regulations. This post outlines eight legal risks businesses face and the federal laws associated with each risk. Many of the laws facing businesses can be complex, so be sure to manage these risks and keep your business thriving. #Business #BusinessOwner #Risks #Legal #Operations #Laws #Rules #Regulations #Employer #Employees #StatuteOfLimitations #Discrimination #Harassment #UnfairTreatment #Lawsuits?#EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission #MilitaryDuty #Protection #Wages #Hours #Pay #OvertimePay #Meals #Rest #IndependentContractors #Compliance #RegulatoryLaws #Penalty #Damages #Construction #FinancialServices #PubliclyTradedCompanies #FinancialReporting #Contract #Transactions #Manager #Locatoion #Venue #Jurisdiction #Tax #Taxes #TaxBreaks #PayrollTax #Witholdings #SocialSecurity #Medicare #EmployeeBenefits #RetirementPlan #FiduciaryDisclosure #ReportingRequirements #Interest #HealthBenefits #Fraud #Loans #TaxImplications #Shareholders #InterestRates #IntellectualProperty #ShareholderAgreements #Investors #EntityFormation #EnvironmentalRegulations #Licensing #MergersAndAcquisitions #Zoning #Insurance #JointVentures
Robin Davis Certified Mergers & Acquisitions Professional (CM&AP) We are excited to announce that Walz Group Principal Robin Davis, CPA, MST, has achieved the designation as a Certified Mergers & Acquisitions Professional (CM&AP) through coursework at Kennesaw State University. Robin is now able to use her certification to continue to provide expert insight and analysis on M&A transactions, assess and negotiate valuations, and consider various tax and legal implications for middle-market companies and business owners preparing to acquire or sell or otherwise transition a business. Mergers & Acquisitions Walz Group realizes that in the event of a company merger or acquisition, it is of utmost importance for a business owner to be able to transfer a business for the best price and terms. We help business owners during this process by guiding them on how best to achieve their personal goals, reduce surprises, and minimize their tax and financial exposure after the transaction. #Tax #MergersAndAcquisitions #Transactions #Business #BusinessOwner #TaxImplications #Valuations
Do you operate your business as a C corporation? In this article, you will find common questions regarding accumulated earnings tax (AET) and how to avoid double taxation. Check it our here: #AccumulatedEarningsTax #TacCutsAndJobsAct #CorporateFederalIncomeTaxRate #Business #Operations #CCorporation #PersonalServiceCorporations #Tax #Earnings #Profit #Distributions #Shareholders #Dividends #DoubleTaxation #NetInvestmentIncomeTax #StockRedemption #PersonalHoldingCompany #Interest #Royalties #Rents #PersonalServiceContracts #Estates #Trusts #PassThroughEntity #TaxAdvantages #TaxBenefits
The deadline for filing federal income tax is quickly approaching, be sure to check out this article for five ideas to consider to gain tax advantages such as making a deductible HSA contribution, making a deductible traditional IRA contribution, and adding up health insurance premiums and medical expenses. #Tax #Federal #IncomeTax #TaxFiling #HealthSavingsAccount #HighDeductible #Contributions #WriteOffs #SalesTax #StateIncomeTax #LocalIncomeTax #ItemizedDeductions #PropertyTax #MotorVehicles #Motorcycles #OffRoadVehicles #RVs #Boats #Aircraft #HomeImprovements #Receipts #TraditionalIra #ModifiedAdjustedGrossIncome #RetirementPlan #SimplifiedEmployeePensions #SavingsIncentiveMatchPlansForEmployees #KeoghPlans #HealthInsurancePremiums #MedicalExpenses #Medicare #PersonalCasualtyLoss #Disasters #2024 #2025
You may believe that withdrawals from Roth IRAs are tax free but that is not always the case. Some withdrawals are taxable, especially withdrawals before you are 59 ? can get a ten percent premature withdrawal penalty tax. Be sure to read this article to find out about everything about Roth withdrawals and proper tax reporting. #Tax #RothIra #Withdrawals #Penalty #TaxReporting #QualifiedWithdrawals #TaxFree #Contributions #ConversionContribution #FiveYearTest #TraditionalIra #Form1099r #Form1040 #NonQualifiedWithdrawals #IncomeTax #Form8606 #Retirement #RetirementPlan #Distributions #401k #FederalIncomeTax #StateIncomeTax #TaxReturns
Traveling domestically? As summer vacations are just around the corner or if you travel for your business, avoid complications and slowdowns when traveling by having an acceptable form of identification such as a REAL ID-compliant driver's license, United States passport, or other acceptable form of identification. The requirements for REAL IDs start on May 7, 2025. Follow this article for acceptable forms of ID and requirements for travel. #Travel #Airport #CommericalFlights #Business #Businesses #ID #RealId #Passport #TSA #DMV #DHS #Secuirty #Requirements #Vacations #Laws #LongLines #Delays #Slowdowns #BeReady