As we close up March madness, we're gearing up for April, which is Stress Awareness Month!??
To help us settle into Spring with some fresh energy and new daily habits, Walker Rehabilitation Group is hosting a FREE interactive stress management workshop for the community where we'll learn effective strategies and skills to help conquer stress and live a more balanced life.
Can't make it in person? Join our livestream on Facebook Live or on our website @
What's on the agenda?
??Stress & Massage Therapy:
Medical Massage Therapist, Jacobi Williams, brings to light the physiological effects on the body and its roll in reducing stress and inflammation along with self-help techniques you can implement in between your daily routines.
??Stress & Nutrition:
Our guest speaker and Dietician, Kathryn Durston, provides education on how stress can impact your digestion and overall eating habits. She'll help us better understand the role of nutrients and supplements to reduce stress and inflammation to better support your body.
??Stress and Lymphatics:
To close out the workshop, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Amarina Kubiak, dives into the lymphatic system and its role in chronic stress, along with an interactive Dao Yin (Chinese yoga) routine that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed.
We're taking control of our physical and mental wellbeing just in time for some spring cleaning and we want to share these easy practices with our community!
For any questions call or text (616)-315-0937
or email at [email protected]
See you soon & take care!