Founded in 2001, Vivid Seats is a leading online ticket marketplace committed to becoming the ultimate partner for connecting fans to the live events!
We don't simply talk about our core values...
...we live them every day. Vivid Seats's values are core to who we aspire to be and describe what makes us who we are. We enhance our Community through Care with our Vivid Cares Committee. We care to challenge assumptions and provide respectful feedback. And once the best idea has surfaced, we move forward in a decisively united way.
We help everyone experience it live...
...including ourselves! Monthly Vivid Seats gift cards and ticket discounts are only part of the equation. As fans, we believe that live experiences enhance the quality of life and enrich the community. Our team helps make that happen every day.
100 Million Tickets...??
100 Million Tickets...??
作者: Stan Chia
Today, we hit an incredible milestone for our business. We reached 100 million tickets sold.