It's important for us to remember the importance of #trafficsafety to our communities. Too many lives are lost and impacted by road accidents, and we're passionate about creating safer roads for vehicles and pedestrians. Our automated traffic safety solutions are an important tool for communities looking for ways to increase road safety. Read more about our commitment to Vision Zero in our latest blog article: #RoadSafetyWeek #VisionZero
#Speeding is a top cause of road accidents, especially on narrow, high-risk roads. Enforcing an 80 km/h limit and setting firm consequences for violations could prevent countless tragedies. Yet, road #trafficinjuries remain the leading cause of death among children and young people—a stark reminder of the human cost behind the numbers (World Health Organization). For real impact, we need more #trafficmonitoring focused on the most dangerous offenses. Especially during #RoadSafetyWeek, it’s crucial to address this head-on despite political pushback. Ready to explore proven solutions for #saferroads? Check out our latest blog post for more:? Brake, the road safety charity, Daniel Scholz-Stein