Virtue Diagnostics

Virtue Diagnostics


Accelerate clinical diagnostics innovation for a healthier world


Founded in 2019, Virtue Diagnostics is an in vitro diagnostic provider committed to platform innovation in emerging markets. We have built a management team with decades of experience in the in vitro diagnostic industry and a global vision, coupled with robust R&D, operation and commercialization capabilities. We set up our industrialization bases in China, Brazil and Indonesia, and R&D centers in Singapore, China and Brazil. We are continuously expanding our global footprint through cooperative R&D, investment, mergers and acquisitions. Focusing on oncology and chronic diseases, Virtue Diagnostics utilizes innovative technology platforms such as clinical mass spectrometry, multiplex immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnostics to expand the China market. Through local capabilities built in emerging countries, Virtue is providing completed diagnostics menu cross biochemistry, chemiluminescence and molecular technologies.

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    We are excited to invite you to visit Labtest at CBPC/ML, Latin America's largest laboratory medicine congress, which kicked off 10 Sep at the Salvador Convention Center (BA). Join us on-site for the thrilling virtual reality interactions, giveaways, and take first look at our new VERCENTRA CS chemiluminescence system! Don’t miss out—come and explore with us!Labtest Diagnóstica S.A. #IVD #CLIA #SBPC #CBPC #labtest #virtuediagnostics

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    Labtest Diagnóstica S.A. & Virtue Diagnostics present at ADLM 2024 in Chicago, USA. The leading international trade fair for laboratory medicine featured more than 900 exhibitors who, like Labtest Virtue, presented their main products and innovations for the diagnostics market. Thank you to all the customers, distributors, suppliers and partners who visited our stand. See you at ADLM 2025! #myadlm #adlm2024 #medicinalaboratorial #ivd #laboratorio #medicallaboratory #virtuedx #labtest

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    On July 12, Medlab Asia 2024 concluded successfully in Bangkok, marking a milestone for Virtue Diagnostics' participation in the Asian medical congress.? During the congress, Virtue Diagnostics made a strong debut with its SuperFlex fully automated chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer,? showcasing its outstanding performance and cutting-edge design, attracting significant attention and praise from professionals across Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other regions.? #MedlabAsia #MedlabAsia2024 #virtuediagnostics #invitrodiagnosis #IVD #chemiluminescence #CLIA?

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    Exciting news! Today, Medlab Asia 2024 has officially started in Bangkok, Thailand, and will be running from July 10 to 12.? We are thrilled to invite you to visit our booth (H7.E19) at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center.? Don’t miss the chance to explore our flagship product, Superflex!? #medlabasia #virtuediagnostics #chemiluminescence #ChLIA #POCT

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    Just one day to go until MedLab Asia 2024, which will take place from July 10-12, 2024, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand. We cordially invite you to visit our booth and explore our flagship product, the SuperFlex Fully Automated Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer. SUPERFLEX utilizes the chemiluminescence principle with acridinium ester-coated magnetic beads. Enhanced by patented nano-magnetic beads and an upward transfer module, it operates independently and efficiently across 12 reaction channels. This flexibility meets the demands of various medical scenarios, offering rapid testing of individual samples or batch samples. SUPERFLEX features high automation, supported by intuitive user interface and comprehensive quality control systems, ensuring swift and accurate diagnostics for next-generation diagnostics in areas including inflammation, infections, cardiovascular diseases, and obstetrics and gynecology. Don't miss this chance to be among the first to experience the unparalleled capabilities of SuperFlex. Save the date and ensure visit Virtue Diagnostics at MedLab Asia 2024. Date: July 10-12, 2024 Location: Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Bangkok, Thailand Booth: H7.E19 For more information, please visit our website at? Virtue Diagnostics Global Innovation, Local Solution

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    Take a glimpse into the spectacular grand opening ceremony of Virtue Diagnostics Indonesia with our thrilling aftermovie! ??? Click the video below to watch now! #VirtueDiagnostics #VirtueIndonesia

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    Aftermovie - Grand Opening Ceremony PT. Virtue Diagnostics Indonesia Dengan bangga kami hadirkan video aftermovie ini sebagai penghormatan kepada semua yang telah menjadi bagian dari kesuksesan Grand Opening kami. Kami juga ingin mengucapkan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada seluruh tim internal kami dan tim EO yang telah bekerja keras dengan penuh dedikasi untuk memastikan acara Grand Opening Ceremony ini berjalan dengan lancar. Tanpa kerja keras dari seluruh pihak terkait, kesuksesan acara ini tidak akan dapat terwujud. Bersama-sama, mari kita lanjutkan perjalanan kita untuk mewujudkan kemandirian industri IVD dan menjadikan Indonesia yang lebih sehat. #VirtueIndonesia?#LokalProduk?#BanggaBuatanIndonesia??#KemandirianIVD?#KetahananKesehatan

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    On March 5th, Virtue Diagnostics is proud to inaugurate the IVD factory in Indonesia, on an area of 12,200 square meters in Cikarang, West Java with a building area of 8900 square meters. The site, located in Cikarang, Indonesia, is part of the global strategy to strengthen the production and distribution of VIRTUEDX products into Southeast Asia IVD markets. With this manufacturing site in Indonesia, Virtue Diagnostics can meet domestic and global requirement for quality and affordable IVD products. The inauguration ceremony was honored by Indonesian Minister of Health, Mr. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, and Acting Regent of Bekasi, Mr. Dani Ramdan. This event signifies a key milestone in Virtue Diagnostics' global strategy to enter Southeast Asia's IVD markets. #VirtueIndonesia #Virtuediagnostics

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    Grand Opening Ceremony PT. Virtue Diagnostics Indonesia. Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin meresmikan perusahaan kami, PT. Virtue Diagnostics Indonesia pada Selasa, 5 Maret 2024. Perusahaan kami merupakan perusahaan manufaktur IVD terbesar di Asia Tenggara yang mampu memproduksi instrumen IVD sebanyak 1.000 unit pertahunnya serta 6.000 liter reagen setiap harinya. Selain Menteri Kesehatan, peresmian perusahaan kami juga dihadiri oleh Dr. Lucia Rizka, Dirjen Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan, dr. Vini Adiani, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Prov. Jawa Barat yang mewakili Pj. Gubernur Jawa Barat karena berhalangan untuk hadir serta Pj. Bupati Bekasi, Dani Ramdan. Pada kegiatan grand opening ceremony ini, kami juga menerima kartu tanda keanggotaan dari pengurus GAKESLAB Indonesia (Perkumpulan Organisasi Perusahaan Alat-Alat Kesehatan dan Laboratorium di Indonesia) dan mengadakan factory tour bagi seluruh tamu undangan untuk memperlihatkan fasilitas yang kami miliki. Virtue Diagnostics Indonesia telah memperoleh sertifikat CPAKB (Cara Pembuatan Alat Kesehatan yang Baik) dari kementerian kesehatan pada Desember 2023 lalu. Kini kami telah dan akan meluncurkan produk Immunologi, Hematologi, Kimia Klinik dan Molekuler dengan menggunakan merek VERCENTRA untuk produk Instrumen dan VIRTUEDX untuk produk reagen. Kami merupakan bagian dari Virtue Diagnostics group yang juga membawahi Labtest Diagnóstica S.A. di Brazil. Virtue Diagnostics Indonesia sendiri memiliki fasilitas manufaktur yang lengkap termasuk RnD Center serta 60 tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman. Kami siap mewujudkan kemandirian industri IVD dan ketahanan kesehatan Indonesia. #VirtueIndonesia?#LokalProduk?#BanggaBuatanIndonesia? #KemandirianIVD #KetahananKesehatan

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    Virtue Diagnostics and Revvity Ink Exclusive Global Distribution Agreement. On 13 Dec. 2023, Suzhou Virtue Diagnostics Co., Ltd. and Revvity,Inc signed a global exclusive distribution agreement for 3 Revvity product lines: Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF) Immunoassay Platform, PCR Platform for infectious disease diagnosis (PreNat), and Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Platform for cardiac and inflammatory markers (SuperFlex). In the future, both parties will jointly promote high-quality in vitro diagnostic products to benefit patients in China and other emerging market countries. #VirtueDiagnostics #Revvity

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