I make healthcare easiser. Physician-entrepreneur building happy healthcare teams and innovative care models to deliver exceptional patient care in areas of need. CEO Pazona MD Urology and VirtuCare
Based on my experience in rural healthcare, there's an alarming trend that's headed toward an inevitable implosion if we don't start innovating. Humor me. Rural hospitals are struggling to recruit physicians. Especially specialists. <10% of urologists are practicing in rural America. Rural hospitals have 1 or 2 urologists who are nearing retirement OR Younger urologists who can't keep up with 10+ days of call a month AND a full clinic AND a full OR schedule. So ultimately they burn out and leave. Recruitment is a struggle. Ultimately the service line is lost. Revenue shrinks ... rinse and repeat ... rural hospital closes. Where do those rural patients go? Some will travel to the regional medical center. Most will delay care until it's an emergency and then get transferred. Then the "big city" docs, who are also at capacity, are taking countless phone calls from the transfer center and ER from this new influx of patients. At some point, "big city" docs reach a breaking point and they leave medicine. Remember, many 4th year medical students have already decided that they will not be taking care of patients (40% by one recent study). So the cavalry isn't coming. No docs > sick patients delaying care > implosion of U.S. healthcare system. May I offer an alternative outcome? Rural hospital partners with VirtuCare to deliver hybrid urology coverage. Remember that physician who left full-time medicine? They work for VirtuCare now. In the clinic, they partner with nurse practitioners or PAs to see patients via telemedicine. They travel periodically to rural hospitals to ease the backlog of surgical cases. Rural urologists now have the best partner they could ask for: 1. We don't take up space or resources. 2. We see the patients you don't have time to see. 3. We give you a break. The best part? We can deliver this in under 4 months from today. And you can continue your recruiting efforts (but if we're honest, the odds of landing another 24/7 urologist in your community is pretty low). Now rural America can keep care local. Keep your physicians from burning out. And keep the healthcare system from imploding. Sound too good to be true? It isn't. We've been doing it for years. This picture I painted is an inevitable crisis IF we don't start making changes. Physicians and hospital executives must put aside what they WANT in an ideal world, and focus on a deliverable solution that they NEED. Otherwise, who's going to take care of patients when there aren't enough docs? #ruralhealthcare #innovation #truthbomb #ruralhealthcareexecutives #physicians #urology #telemedicine #healthcareexecutives #hospitalceo