Here is one of the worlds leading neuroscientist, Andrew Huberman, talking about the importance of flow state People meditate to get towards it, people eat clean to reduce mental distractions, people ice bath, people exercise, people spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to illicit the perfect flow state Vimbal can get you in the flow state in a matter of moment ? Your hands will drop into your lap ? Your head will tilt to the side ? You stop cognitively doing your task, and ? You will be in the moment with just you and the information Vimbal’s flow state was shown with our 30 industry expert product market Fit testing, and our pilot testing in the HR sector where we increased retention by 35% and grades by an average of 19% Keep up the great work, Hubberman! Some of our brain state visualisation research stems from information in your podcast, thankyou
The pursuit of flow on short time scales causes people to miss out on the real “flow” state. Start your days with pressure, end them in peace, and repeat. Or opt for peace, pressure, peace—if you’re slow to wake. That’s a flow you can consistently induce, one that leads somewhere meaningful. This is why it’s beneficial to stack bright light—ideally from sunlight—exercise, caffeine, and hydration early in the day. Follow with forced bouts of meaningful work; for some, these will feel painful to initiate. End your day in dim light, then darkness, and calm. Sleep. Repeat.