?? The adventure has started! This week we celebrated in Kastoria the kick-off meeting of the VERDEINMED project. This initiative, 'PreVEnting and ReDucing the tExtiles waste mountain in the MED area' is a Thematic Project funded by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme with nearly 3 M€. ?? ? The project focuses on the implementation of circular business models in the #textile and #clothing sector. Through the creation of support services, it will promote sustainable practices among industry, policymakers and civil society. ???? ?? Coordinated by the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) (Greece), VERDEinMED will be implemented in 7 countries: Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, North Macedonia and Bulgaria; with the participation also of Tunisia, Turkey, Belgium and Lebanon. ?? Partners: Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), DIADYMA SA, CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia), Consorci de la Ribera, CITEVE, CONFINDUSTRIA UMBRIA, Legambiente, Bulgarian Fashion Association, Textile Trade Association-Textile Cluster, e-ZAVOD 1??5?? Associated Partners: Agence Nationale de la Promotion de la Recherche scientifique- ANPR, RREUSE - Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises, Δ?μο? Κοζ?νη? (Ελλ?δα), Dali Sport d.o.o., Zavod Korak Naprej Murska Sobota, BURSA FASH?ON WEEK, Sasia Reciclagem Fibras Têxteis, Vila Nova de Famalic?o, Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness (IVACE), American University of Beirut, Moden Vikend Skopje, INSIEME SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA SOCIALE ONLUS, Comune di Narni, Sistema Moda Italia Follow us for more information! ??
"PreVEnting and ReDucing the tExtiles waste mountain in the MED area". Interreg Euro-MED Programme 2021-2027.
VERDEinMED will present an analytical framework to study the successful implementation of circular business models in the textile and clothing sector.
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Παρασκευ? 21 Φεβρουαρ?ου Ημερ?δα με θ?μα ?Κυκλικ? Οικονομ?α και Κλωστο?φαντουργικ?? Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) Στο πλα?σιο του ?ργου VERDEinMED & τη? 7η? Διεθνο?? ?κθεση? Verde-tec “Τεχνολογ?ε? Περιβ?λλοντο?”, στο Mεσογειακ? Eκθεσιακ? Κ?ντρο (Μ.Ε.C.) Παιαν?α?. Στο πρ?το μ?ρο? τη? εκδ?λωση? ?κανα μια σ?ντομη παρουσ?αση του ?ργου VERDEinMED και στη συν?χεια η Zoi Gaitanarou, επιστημονικ? συνεργ?τη? του ΕΚΕΤΑ παρουσ?ασε τα προβλ?ματα των κλωστο?φαντουργικ?ν αλλ? και τι? λ?σει? που πλ?ον υπ?ρχουν. Στο δε?τερο μ?ρο? τη? εκδ?λωση? πραγματοποι?θηκε συζ?τηση με αντικε?μενο την εφαρμογ? τη? Κυκλικ?? Οικονομ?α? στον κλωστο?φαντουργικ? κλ?δο, με ?μφαση στην αναμεν?μενη σ?σταση εν?? Συστ?ματο? Εναλλακτικ?? Διαχε?ριση? κλωστο?φαντουργικ?ν αποβλ?των καθ?? και στο υψηλ? κ?στο? τη? διαλογ?? και περαιτ?ρω επεξεργασ?α? των αποβλ?των. Τη συζ?τηση πλαισ?ωσαν η κα Αλεξ?νδρα Τ?για, Διευθ?νουσα Σ?μβουλο? του ΕΟΑΝ, η κα Aikaterini GIANNAKOULA, Περιβαλλοντολ?γο? στη DIADYMA SA, ο κο? Περικλ?? Κασκαμαν?δη?, Country Manager τη? εταιρε?α? TexCycle, ο κο? Γε?ργιο? Αρ?πη?, Γενικ?? Διευθυντ?? τη? εταιρε?α? Recycom Greece, ο κο? Σ?λωνα? Χανι?τη?, Πρ?εδρο? Δ.Σ. τη? εταιρε?α? COMO, ο κο? Γε?ργιο? Παπαγεωργακ?πουλο?, Σ?μβουλο? Επιχειρηματικ?τητα? του ΒΙΟΤΕΧΝΙΚΟ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤΗΡΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ Β.Ε.Α. και ο κο? Γε?ργιο? Πρινιωτ?κη?, Καθηγητ?? στο Laboratory of Design and Development of Innovative Knitted Textiles and Garments. Μεγ?λη μου τιμ? & χαρ? να συντον?σω μ?α τ?σο ενδιαφ?ρουσα συζ?τηση! @Interreg Euro-MED #CircularEconomy #TextileWaste #Sustainability #ΕΚΕΤΑ #CERTH #VERDEinMED #InterregEuroMED #InnovativeSustainableEconomyMission #tpress #Verdetec #exhibition
???? We continue sharing the creation of #VERDEinMED's national hubs! In this case, we introduce you to the Macedonian Textile Circularity Hub, coordinated by our partner?Textile Trade Association - Textile cluster. This hub has the following members: ?? Companies: THE ALBATROS SHIRT, Marijana Perkovska, ekocentar97 ekocentar, Teksomak ?? Educational institutions: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje / Универзитет ?Св. Кирил и Методи?“ во Скоп?е - Technology and Metallurgy Faculty - Textile Engineering Department, University "Goce Delcev" at Stip Technology-technical faculty, International Balkan University (IBU), Skopje ?? Government institutions: Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Civil Society ?? NGOs: Local community development foundation, Macedonian Fashion Association and GoGreen association We'll be telling you more about the other hubs very soon!?Interreg Euro-MED Programme Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission
On 24th of December ???? the first co-creation meeting of the Macedonian VERDEinMED HUB was held! Leading stakeholders with the 4 helix representation came together online to explore the objectives of the #VERDEinMED project with purpose of identification of national priorities regarding textile waste management and developing further activities and strategies. ???? TTA-Textile cluster organised and hosted the meeting which was attended by representatives from four companies: THE ALBATROS SHIRT, Marijana Perkovska, ekocentar97 ekocentar, Teksomak, then three educational institutions: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje / Универзитет ?Св. Кирил и Методи?“ во Скоп?е - Technology and Metallurgy Faculty - Textile Engineering Department, University "Goce Delcev" at Stip Technology-technical faculty, International Balkan University (IBU), Skopje, two government institutions: Ministry of Economy and Ministry of environment and spatial planning and civil society, and three NGOs: Local community development foundation, Macedonian Fashion Association and GoGreen association. We started with project presentation, objectives and goals, activities realized including parts of the regional report State of the art of textile waste management and recycling, then the purpose of the HUB, presentation of the Knowledge platform and the expectation from the members of the HUB.??? ?? The next meeting we are planning in February 2025. Follow the project social media and join us to discuss how we can collaborate to transform the textile and clothing sector! #VERDEHUB, #CircularEconomy, #TextileWaste, #Sustainability, #Innovation, #Interreg Euro-MED Programme Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission
?? Join the VERDEinMED's Living Labs in Greece, Italy, and Spain to transform the textile industry! VERDEinMED's Living Labs are designed as open, collaborative spaces where consumers, industry leaders, and students come together to co-create, innovate, and solve problems. Your input can help shape their development: share your thoughts by taking their quick survey! ?? ?? Italy??https://lnkd.in/edJspSdk ??? Greece?? https://lnkd.in/e4WbFDgv ?? Spain?? https://lnkd.in/eqsRvWS2
?? Discover Sustainable Fashion with VERDEinMED! ?? Welcome to the Creative Reuse Center of DIADYMA in Kastoria! In our new video, we explore the impact of clothing consumption and discover how we can all contribute to more sustainable fashion. ???? ? Every year, we buy many clothes that we use for a short time and then throw away, creating huge amounts of waste with serious environmental impacts. The VERDEinMED project aims to change the way we produce, use, and dispose of textiles. By collaborating with consumers, industries, and local communities, we can create a more sustainable future for the fashion industry. ?? ? Creative Reuse Centers play a crucial role in this effort by providing a space where people can donate and find second-hand clothes, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy. These centers help extend the life of clothing items and encourage more sustainable consumption habits. Learn how you can make a difference with small steps, such as donating clothes you no longer use, buying second-hand items, and staying informed about sustainable fashion choices. Every small action counts! ?? ? Watch the video and be part of the change! ??? ? --? ? ?? Ανακαλ?ψτε τη Βι?σιμη Μ?δα με το VERDEinMED! ?? Καλ?? ?ρθατε στο Κ?ντρο Δημιουργικ?? Επαναχρησιμοπο?ηση? τη? ΔΙΑΔΥΜΑ στην Καστορι?! Στο ν?ο μα? β?ντεο, εξερευνο?με τον αντ?κτυπο τη? καταν?λωση? ρο?χων και ανακαλ?πτουμε π?? μπορο?με ?λοι να συμβ?λλουμε σε μια πιο βι?σιμη μ?δα. ???? Κ?θε χρ?νο αγορ?ζουμε πολλ? ρο?χα που χρησιμοποιο?με για λ?γο και μετ? πετ?με, δημιουργ?ντα? τερ?στιε? ποσ?τητε? αποβλ?των με σοβαρ?? περιβαλλοντικ?? επιπτ?σει?. Το ?ργο VERDEinMED, χρηματοδοτο?μενο απ? το Interreg Euro-MED- Project ID: Euro-MED0200343, στοχε?ει να αλλ?ξει τον τρ?πο που παρ?γουμε, χρησιμοποιο?με και απορρ?πτουμε τα κλωστο?φαντουργικ? προ??ντα. Με τη συνεργασ?α καταναλωτ?ν, βιομηχανι?ν και τοπικ?ν κοινοτ?των, μπορο?με να δημιουργ?σουμε ?να πιο βι?σιμο μ?λλον για τον τομ?α τη? μ?δα?. ?? Τα Κ?ντρα Δημιουργικ?? Επαναχρησιμοπο?ηση? πα?ζουν καθοριστικ? ρ?λο σε αυτ? την προσπ?θεια, παρ?χοντα? ?ναν χ?ρο ?που οι ?νθρωποι μπορο?ν να δωρ?σουν και να βρουν μεταχειρισμ?να ρο?χα, μει?νοντα? τα απ?βλητα και προωθ?ντα? την κυκλικ? οικονομ?α. Αυτ? τα κ?ντρα βοηθο?ν στην επ?κταση τη? ζω?? των ρο?χων και ενθαρρ?νουν πιο βι?σιμε? καταναλωτικ?? συν?θειε?. Επιπλ?ον, η εστ?αση σε βι?σιμε? μεθ?δου? παραγωγ?? εξασφαλ?ζει ?τι ολ?κληρο? ο κ?κλο? ζω?? των ρο?χων ε?ναι φιλικ?? προ? το περιβ?λλον. Μ?θετε π?? μπορε?τε να κ?νετε τη διαφορ? με μικρ? β?ματα, ?πω? η δωρε? ρο?χων που δεν χρησιμοποιε?τε πια, η αγορ? μεταχειρισμ?νων ειδ?ν και η ενημ?ρωση για βι?σιμε? επιλογ?? μ?δα?. Κ?θε μικρ? κ?νηση μετρ?ει! ?? Δε?τε το β?ντεο και γ?νετε μ?ρο? τη? αλλαγ??! ??? #VERDEinMED #Βι?σιμηΜ?δα #Επαναχρησιμοπο?ηση #Κυκλικ?Οικονομ?α #Πρ?σινηΜ?δα #ΔΙΑΔΥΜΑ #Καστορι? #Κ?ντραΕπαναχρησιμοπο?ηση? #ΚΔΕΥ #SustainableFashion #Reuse #GreenFashion #DIADYMA #Kastoria #ReuseCenters
?? Join the VERDEinMED Living Labs in Greece, Italy, and Spain to transform the #textile industry! ???? A Living Lab is an open, collaborative space where consumers, industry leaders, and students come together to co-create, innovate, and solve problems. Be part of our initiative to develop sustainable solutions by sharing your thoughts in our quick survey! ?? Italy: https://lnkd.in/dRHFSWyU Greece: https://lnkd.in/dH2iznMs Spain: https://shorturl.at/RIXvN Let’s create a sustainable textile future together! ???? #VERDEinMED #Mediterranean #Sustainability Interreg Euro-MED Programme Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission
?? Key Blue and Green Economy events in the Mediterranean for 2025. Check it out! ?? ???Recycle Summit: From vision to action - Building a competitive circular textile and footwear industry by Refashion 4 Feb Paris, France https://lnkd.in/dszvXs_V ???Unlocking Opportunities for Post-2027 Europe: EUSAIR, Interreg, and Cohesion Policy in Joint Action, eu strategy for the adriatic ionian region eusair 7 Feb Thessaloniki, Greece https://lnkd.in/dWBP_4Nb ???SustainableSolutionsMatch, Up2Circ 7-21 Feb https://lnkd.in/dg9Y7NfV ???Investing in the Libyan sustainable blue economy 8 Feb Benghazi, Libya https://lnkd.in/dMBA2WsW ???AquaFarm - Pordenone Fiere 12-13 February Pordenone, Italy https://lnkd.in/eQFcUeKk ???BIOSPACE25 – Biodiversity insights from space 10-14 February 2025 Frascati, Italy https://lnkd.in/eW7ctaSE ???Online Training Sessions on the Blueprint for Tourism Climate Action Plans by Sustainable Tourism 13 February 27 February https://lnkd.in/daj29iN9 ???AI-powered platform advancing circularity, ACR+ | Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management 27 February Webinar https://lnkd.in/d7qxPbwt ???Seminar on Biotechnology Applied to the Plastics Sector, AIMPLAS · Technological Institute of Plastics 5-6 March Valencia, Spain https://lnkd.in/dnrtQEWh ???ChangeNOW 24-26 April Paris, France https://lnkd.in/gjnRkM2 ???SUM Multidisciplinary Symposium on Circular Economy & Urban Mining 21-23 May Procida, Italy https://lnkd.in/dnzasbsv ???Circle the Med 3-4 June 2025 https://lnkd.in/dps4xpnw ???EU Digital Ocean Pavilion, Copernicus Marine Service 4-13 June Nice, France https://lnkd.in/eMN_vP35 ???UN Ocean Conference 9-13 June Nice, France https://lnkd.in/gUrysKfV ???Waste Management Europe Exhibition & Conference 2025 10-12 June Bologna, Italy https://lnkd.in/ddq43Nvx ???CEST2025 3-6 September Kos island, Greece https://cest.gnest.org/ ???Seafuture 29 September - 2 October La Spezia, Italy https://seafuture.it/ ???BNEW - Barcelona New Economy Week 6-9 October Barcelona, Spain https://lnkd.in/dzJT7Ujt ???Smart City Expo World Congress 4-6 November Barcelona, Spain https://lnkd.in/g_zqRaq ???ECOMONDO - ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP 4-7 November Rimini, Italy https://en.ecomondo.com/
Don’t miss the series of workshops “From Vision to Implementation: Shaping Policies to Boost Circular Bio-Based Transition” organised by SUSTRACK! ?? These workshops aim to gain insights from keynote speakers outlining the transition challenge, the policy landscape and visions for the transition of the chemical, textile, plastics and construction sectors. You will also get the opportunity to explore policy options identified by the SUSTRACK project that may be considered to boost the circular bio-based economy transition in the different sectors, and collaboratively identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed policy options, as well as discuss further possible policy opportunities/approaches ?? The workshop on textiles will take place on 28 February 2025, 10:00 – 11:30 CET This is your chance to share your vision and influence the development and implementation of policies that promote the circular bio-based transition. Interested? Register now to one or more workshops and mark your calendars to join the series! ?? https://lnkd.in/e6T9DGzi
??Calling All Policy Experts in the #textile sector! Whether you're from #Research, #Industry, #Policy, or #CivilSociety, this is the event you don’t want to miss! ? Join us for the textile workshop of the series “From Vision to Implementation: Shaping Policies to Boost Circular Bio-Based Transition”, organized by SUSTRACK! ?? ?? Swipe through the carousel to uncover ??: ??? Who should attend ??? Why you should participate ??? How to secure your spot This is your chance to share your vision and influence the development and implementation of policies that promote the #circular #biobased #transition: SAVE THE DATE! ??? 28th of February 2025 ? 10:00 - 11:30 CET ?? Online Agenda and registration ?? https://lnkd.in/dbS8q5jc Università degli Studi di Roma UnitelmaSapienza Wageningen University & Research KnowlEdge Srl PEDAL Consulting DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Universiteit Gent Woodlab Gent TECNALIA Research & Innovation TECNALIA Circular Economy FVA New Media Research CERCIS CEntre For Research on Circular Economy Innovation and SMEs Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung CIRCE - Centro Tecnológico
?? Si è tenuto a?#Perugia?il primo evento del?#RegionalHub?di?VERDEinMED, in collaborazione con?Legambiente?e?CONFINDUSTRIA UMBRIA. ?? 16 realtà del territorio si sono riunite per affrontare il tema della transizione sostenibile nel settore tessile. Un incontro fondamentale per rafforzare il connubio tra impresa e consumatore, sviluppando filiere integrate e innovative e supportando le piccole realtà nel loro percorso verso la sostenibilità. ?? Come connettere raccolta, recupero e riuso tessile? Attraverso il dialogo tra istituzioni, imprese e associazioni, abbiamo esplorato strategie per ridurre gli sprechi, migliorare la raccolta e promuovere un’economia circolare inclusiva ed efficiente nel settore della moda. ?? Nella nostra regione esistono già esperienze virtuose di economia del riuso, partire dal basso e supportate dalle istituzioni: collaborare con queste realtà è essenziale per costruire un futuro più verde. ?? Un ringraziamento speciale all'#AccademiadiBelleArti Pietro Vannucci di #Perugia?per aver ospitato l’evento! Interreg Europe Regione Umbria AUTORITA' UMBRA PER RIFIUTI E IDRICO SVILUPPUMBRIA SPA Trasimeno Servizi Ambientali Gruppo Gesenu Regusto ARPA Umbria Brunello Cucinelli Insieme cooperativa sociale ITS UMBRIA ACADEMY Regusto #CCIA Comune di Perugia #IISCavourMarconiPascal #PonteSolidale #Noesis