


Prishtina,Kosovo 2,531 位关注者

University of Prishtina Entrepreneurship & Innovation Centre


VentureUP is the senior mechanism regarding all entrepreneurial and innovation related matters for the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”. As such, it represents the go to place for UP students to develop and transform their novel ideas into socially conscious, real-market businesses and sustainable organizations, bridging education and markets in Kosovo. University based incubators aim to integrate businesses, government and academia in order to stimulate development and leverage know-how and research capacity to contribute to the economy and serve as experiential learning laboratories for student work-skills development throughout the process. VentureUP Board of Directors draws from a pool of UP Leadership and Faculty, as well as successful entrepreneurs and business leaders to guide the organization with UP’s interests at the core of its mission.

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    ATTENTION, ATTENTION!! You have an innovative idea and wants to contribute to helping the environment? You have an idea helping to: 1. Digital solutions on Integrated Waste Management 2. Digital solution on Energy Efficiency 3. Digital solutions on Promoting Eco-Friendly Businesses? Then we invite you to be part of the Kosovo Sustainable Development Week (KSDW) Hackathon, which will be held from 18th – 20th of September at ITP Prizren. KSDW is not only a national event but also a regional initiative. It attracts participants from the Western Balkans, fostering collaboration on issues that have a regional impact. The event aims to promote the youth interested in digitalization and environmental issues regarding their innovative ideas and potentially supporting them through the implementation of their ideas. The event will last 3 days, the first 2 days you will be introduced and trained regarding the topics of the hackathon and develop your innovative idea. By the end of the event every working team will deliver an innovative idea based on the topic and a winning team with the most innovative and achievable idea will be selected for a winning prize. So, apply for the hackathon and be part of one of the largest events in Kosovo and beyond. Link to apply: Hurry up, the deadline to apply: 16 September 2024! “This activity is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH”

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    Fita in da house:) Fitim Halimi p?r nj? koh? t? gjat? ka qen? pjes? e komunitetit t? VentureUP, si pjes?marr?s n? shum? programe dhe aktivitete tona. Fita gjat? 2 viteve t? fundit ?sht? duke punuar si Lead Engineer p?r kompanin? gjermane Suite ( n? zhvillimin e produktit inovativ (hardware dhe software) p?r menaxhimin e objekteve t? banueshme, i cili me shum? sukses ka dep?rtuar n? tregun e DACH (Gjermanis?, Austris?, dhe Zvicrr?s). Fita ?sht? n? Kosov? dhe po don q? k?t? produkt ta prezantoj edhe tek ne, duke ftuar pronar?t e hoteleve, moteleve, hosteleve, lagjeve me vendbanime rezidenciale, dhe entuziast?ve t? zhvillimit t? produkteve hardwerike dhe softwerike, n? prezantimin e produktit dhe pun?s s? tij. Prezantimi do t? mbahet m?: ?? 5 Shtator, ? 17:00, ??VentureUP. Fit?, t? falemnderit shum? ?? p?r interesimin dhe angazhimin t?nd. P?r m? shum? rreth prezantimit, lirisht na kontaktoni n? telefonin: ?? 049758128, ose ne emailin: [email protected]. Ju mirepresim!

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    We are so happy to extend our MoU with Prishtina University, and strengthening further our support in the field of entreprenuership, innovation, increasing skills, and new product development for students and professors of Prishtina University. Herewith, we want to thank the Rector, Prof Dr. Qerim Qerimi, for his unreserved support so far and recognizing our relevance and importance ????. #University of Prishtina, #innovation, #entreprenuership, #research

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    UP and VentureUP the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, sign a cooperation agreement ?? The Rector of UP, Prof. Qerim Qerimi, and the Chair of the VentureUP Board, Mr. Kreshnik Lleshi, signed an agreement to continue the collaboration between the University of Prishtina and VentureUP. ?? The agreement aims to support UP students and professors in the field of entrepreneurship, helping to establish new ventures through the business incubator ??, offering specialized training based on market needs ??, and supporting UP researchers in commercializing their research through knowledge and technology transfer ??. Since its founding in 2017, VentureUP, as the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of the University of Prishtina, has helped establish dozens of new enterprises with hundreds of employees ??, trained thousands of students and young people ??, of whom hundreds have been employed, and supported professors in patenting their research work ??. The new 5-year agreement further strengthens the collaboration between UP and VentureUP, with the goal of enhancing education in innovation and entrepreneurship ??, increasing opportunities for new venture creation ??, strengthening collaboration between UP and the private sector by offering training based on private sector needs ??, and increasing support for UP researchers in developing new innovative products ???. For more: #jamUP #UPgrade #growUP #riseUP #beUP #UPspeak #loveUP #UPeducation #cheerUP ??

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    ?? WomenUP- Thirrje p?r aplikim!???? Ftojm? t? gjitha vajzat/grat? q? kan? ide inovative me potencial t? zhvillimit n? treg t? b?hen pjes? e programit WomenUP! Programi mb?shtetet nga Zyra e Presidentes s? Republik?s s? Kosov?s, dhe synon t? mb?shtes vajzat dhe grat? q? p?rmes mb?shtetjes n? zhvillimin e ides? s? biznesit dhe qasjes n? financa t? themelojn? biznese t? reja inovative. Programi do t? ofroj trajnime profesionale n? fushat: 1. Zhvillimi dhe testimit i biznes ides?, 2. Identifikimi dhe analiza e kategoris? s? klient?ve dhe vler?s s? propozuar, 3. Marketingu digjital, dhe 4. Menaxhimi financiar ?? Cdo modul i trajnimit mbahet nj? her? n? jav? fizikisht n? zyret e VentureUP! Programi poashtu do t? ofroj ndihm? n?: ? qasje n? financa p?rmes takimeve me donator? dhe institucione financiare, dhe ?mentorim, k?shillim, dhe rrjet?zim nga grat? e sukseshme n? biznes. ? Mos e humbisni rastin, b?huni pjes? e programit WomenUP n? m?nyr? q? t? p?rfitoni mb?shtetjen e duhur dhe t? filloni nj? biznes t? suksesh?m. ?? Linku p?r aplikim: ?? Afati i fundit p?r aplikim: 15 SHTATOR 2024! Ju mirepresim! Falemnderojm? Zyren e Presidentes se Republikes se Kosoves p?r mb?shtetjen e ofruar ??

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    We are excited to share the news that now you can have access to the online course of our very good friend and a great supporter of our startup community, Peter Bruner???? ?? If you need the right expertise for your pitches and presentations, than check for Peter's course on Udemy! ?? Well done Peter ??

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    Founder at Ringo[smart door opener] ? PITCH coach [Helping entrepreneurs sell their ideas]

    Excited to share that after coaching over 500 entrepreneurs, startup teams, and even politicians to refine their pitches, I've digitized my expertise! ???? I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my first online pitching course on Udemy: If you seek professional advice, practical examples, or structured guidance on pitching, DM me for a ?? FREE COUPON ?? to access the course. Your feedback will be instrumental in enhancing the course further. Here's to empowering entrepreneurs and fostering a vibrant startup ecosystem! ???? #PitchingExpertise #OnlineCourse #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Pitch #Investors #PitchDeck

    Investor Pitch building course for startups with examples

    Investor Pitch building course for startups with examples

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    ?? THIRRJE PER APLIKIM ?? Me knaq?si po hapim thirrjen per kete vit t? Balkan Green Ideas (BGI)/Balkan Green Foundation ?? Ftojm? nd?rrmarr?sit e rinj?, stratupet, organizatat me propozime kreative q? t? apikojn? dhe t? b?hen pjes? e Balkan Green Ideas (BGI)- Gar?s Regjionale p?r Biznese t? Gjelb?rta dhe Ide Inovative p?r vitin 2024. Kjo gar? realizohet nga VentureUP ne bashk?punim me Rockefeller Brothers Fund dhe Balkan Green Foundation. ?? Gara synon t? zhvilloj? inovacionin p?r ide biznesi t? gjelb?rta n? nivel lokal dhe t? p?rkrah? rolin e bizneseve n? angazhimin e komuniteteve lokale p?r t? gjeneruar ide biznesi t? bazuara n? shfryt?zimin e burimeve lokale, ringjalljen e traditave t? prodhimit dhe tregjeve lokale. ?? Gara zbatohet n? gjasht? vende t? Ballkanit Per?ndimor?, si dhe n? Greqi, dhe marrin pjes? gjithsej 21 ide garuese, 3 nga secili vend. ?? Gara siguron mb?shtetje financiare dhe mentorim t? planifikuar p?r idet? dhe bizneset e p?rzgjedhura q? ofrojn? zgjidhje inovative dhe kontribuojn? n? arritjen e shtat? Objektivave t? Zhvillimit t? Q?ndruesh?m (SDG) n? rajonin e Ballkanit Per?ndimor dhe Greqis?. VentureUP do t? p?rzgjedh tre idet? m? t? mira q? do t? p?rfaq?soj?n Kosov?n n? gar?n regjionale t? Balkan Green Ideas (BGI). ?? P?r fituesit n? gar?n regjionale n? LOT1 cmimi do t? jet? deri n? 5,000 USD, nd?rsa p?r Lot 2 cmimet do t? jen? deri 10,000 USD. ?? P?r m? shum? info rreth gar?s si dhe p?r m?nyr?n e aplikimit, ju lutem klikoni linkun n? vazhdim: ?? Afati i fundit p?r aplikim ?sht? deri m? 30 QERSHOR 2024! #greenidea, #balkangreen, #SDGs, #innovation

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    Po vazhdojm? me grupin e dyte t? trajnimit p?r Freelancing :)). ?A don me punu ne projekte nderkombetare pa pas nevoje me leshu vendin? ?A don punen me ja pershtat orarit tond? ?A don mu pagu me standarde nderkombetare tu jetu ne Kosove? ?A don me mesu qysh me punu si freelancer? ??Behu pjese e trajnimit per Freelancing te cilin po e organizojme se bashku me Finesa Shala ( dhe @Arra Click. Finesa ka vite qe punon si freelancing ne projekte nderkombetare dhe po don qe pervojen e saj me nda me ekspertet tane. Ajo do ju mesoj teknikat se si ju sa me shpejt te angazhoheni ne projekte nderkombetare permes platformave me te njohura (Upwork, etj). ?Ajo poashtu, personalisht do te angazhohet qe permes rrjetit te saj te partnereve t'ju gjej projekte per tu angazhuar. ?Kandidatet qe me sukses perfundojne trajnimin do te kene te drejten te regjistrohen ne platformen per freelencera ne Kosove,, dhe per nje kohe te caktuar ta shfrytezojne platformen pa pagese. Investo ne veti dhe fillo me perfitu prej mundesive te pafund te projekteve nderkombetare! ??Apliko ne: ??Afati i fundit per aplikim: 20 Qershor 2024! ??Cmimi standard i trajnimit eshte 250 Euro, por me mbeshtetje te projektit zvicerran cmimi i trajnimit eshte 150 Euro! Pas regjistrimit ju do te pranoni te dhenat per pagese. **Ky grup i trajnimit mb?shtetet nga Agjencia Zvicerrane p?r Zhvillim dhe Bashk?punim p?rmes projektit Rritja e Pun?simit p?r t? Rinjt? #freelancer, #FreelancingCourse, #freelancinglife

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    So happy to contribute to another very successful edition of the Digital Skills Festival! ?? For this edition, VentureUP contributed with the Demo-Day of the Young Innovators Program and with the Hack for Green hackathon. ?? Young Innovators Program was the 3-moth incubation program, the largest cross-university incubation program in Kosovo, implemented jointly with professors and students from ten institutions of higher education in Kosovo as part of the #Crosscienceinitiative, supported by GIZ Kosovo and ITP Prizren. There were amazing 14 teams with business ideas in the #Greentech, #SDGs, and sustainability that pitched in front of the professional jury from different industries and university professors. Winners of this edition of the program are: ?? Ecoswap, a platform bringing together paper waste recyclers with big paper consumers, ?? Intellbin, an intelligent waste bin providing intelligent data about waste, and ?? Her Flowers, business helping you transform your flowers from special events into precious souvenirs. ?? Further, we are happy to organise the Hack for Green hackathon, where six teams from different education institutions designed solutions to challenges related to sustainability, environment protection, and sustainability. The jury selected three winners: ?? Agri mech, the intelligent robot helping farmers destroy only unnecessary weed with the help of AI, ?? Breath Easy, innovative solution for measuring the air quality faster, and ?? Green shop, an online shop for recycling and upcycling clothes. ?? We want to thank all trainers and experts for the unreserved support of teams during the program, and jury members for fair and professional evaluation of ideas. Herewith, we want to sincerely thank all ten institutions of higher education in Kosovo, members of the Crosscience initiative, for excellent cooperation during all these months of preparations. Lastly, but not least important, we would like to thank GIZ Kosovo and ITP Prizren for their continuous support! Until the next edition ??

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