Is our pledge of allegiance an endorsement of DEI? Does the "pursuit of happiness" include the right to pursue happiness with people different from you? Here's a little "Did You Know?": ? "E Pluribus Unum" (Out of many, one): If our money says 'Out of many, one,' are we living up to that promise of unity, or are we just carrying around a historical suggestion? ? The Pursuit of Happiness: Does 'fair shot' mean everyone gets the same ingredients, or does it mean everyone gets the chance to cook their delicious success? ? The First Amendment: Freedom of speech, religion, and assembly? That's diversity in action, folks! 'Is 'one nation' a completed puzzle, or are we still looking for the missing pieces representing everyone?" "Does your inner circle feel more like a VIP lounge with a limited guest list or a community potluck where everyone brings something to share? Don't you think that in our wonderfully diverse nation, we genuinely aim for equality for everyone? It's heartwarming to see our desire for each person to have the opportunity to grow and blossom into the best version of themselves! Share this post to inspire others: Do you believe we strive for equality in our diverse nation, ensuring everyone can grow and become their best selves? What else can you contribute to this discussion about DEI? #DiversityEquityInclusion?#AmericanValues?#OneNation
Question from reporter: "And I'm wondering to what extent your opinion on DEI has changed? It seems that many of your co-patriots don't agree with you." Rep. Hon. Hakeem Jeffries: Diversity, equity, and inclusion are American values. Perhaps I can explain. The model of the United States of America is "E Pluribus Unum." Out of many, one. That's diversity. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, one of the most important amendments in our country, provides equal protection under the law. That's equity. In this country, we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. A flag that we just presented to the new President and Vice President. And in that pledge, we promise one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A-L-L. That's inclusion. It's not complicated. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are American values. It's about economic opportunity. It's about merit for everyone. Based on what you know, not who you know. ?????? ** Have a good weekend ya'll.