On October 30, 2024, the General Secretary for Vulnerable Persons and Institutional Protection, Dr. Heracles Moskoff, welcomed representatives of the VANGUARD project to the Υπουργε?ο Μεταν?στευση? & Ασ?λου - Greek Ministry of Migration & Asylum, with the aim of sharing useful knowledge based on his significant experience and extensive expertise in combatting Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) as National Rapporteur on THB since 2013. In particular, he shared insights on factors related to victims and perpetrators surrounding their involvement in human trafficking, on recent trends and patterns, as well as on existing anti-THB policies and good practices, thus contributing to enhancing the existing general understanding of the phenomenon.
VANGUARD is a three-year project, funded by the European Union within the framework of the Horizon Europe programme, bringing together 22 partners from 12 countries, both from research and academic institutions, technology-oriented companies, and civil society organisations, as well as Police and Border Guard Authorities, thus promoting a multidisciplinary approach to combatting THB. VANGUARD aims to strengthen the fight against THB, with particular focus on THB for purposes of sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, and forced criminality, at the nexus of advanced technological solutions, understanding, awareness raising, and training, in order to disrupt the trafficking chain (online and offline) at an early stage and address the culture of impunity. It also aims to provide an improved intelligence picture and establish an enriched common understanding of the trafficking chain through research based on social sciences and humanities.
#VANGUARD_EU #EUSecurityResearch #CERIS #againsthumantrafficking