The University of South Florida Department of Mechanical Engineering offers the BS , MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, the department is currently developing an Aerospace program to start with a minor with plans to grow into a full undergraduate and graduate program.
The Mechanical Engineering Department at USF has approximately 1200 undergraduates and 200 graduate students. Our students come from over 40 countries. Our engineering graduates are making a deep impact on the society. Several of our alumni are successful entrepreneurs and hold senior positions in large corporations. Our students are in great demand with lucrative job offers by local, regional, national and international companies including Boeing, Honeywell, Siemens, Motorola, Honda, Lockheed, TECO, P&G, Jabil, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Harris, and Raytheon.
Our faculty members are committed to conducting research as a means of improving society, increasing the nation's prosperity, and maintaining up-to-date teaching instruction. Most of the research in the department is interdisciplinary and collaborative. Areas of research include robotics, biomedical and tissue engineering, nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing, micro electromechanical systems, biosensors and biofluids, clean energy technologies, compliant mechanisms, rehabilitation engineering, system dynamics and vibrations, composite materials, and sustainable designs. Sponsors include government agencies such as NSF, DOE, DOD and NASA, non-profit organizations, and also the private sector.
With collaboration among faculty, graduate students and undergraduates, we have achieved national and international prominence for our research and teaching efforts. Our faculty and students have received a large number of patents through innovative research as well as design courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
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