useR! - The R User Conference转发了
Your organization can also sponsor specific conference needs, from coffee breaks to live streaming, as an add-on to a sponsorship tier, or as standalone support. Live Stream ($25,000), Evening Social Event ($20,000), Networking Reception with Poster Session ($15,000), Opportunity ($10,000), Session Recording ($10,000), Wireless Access ($7,500), Attendee T-Shirt ($7,000), Conference Breaks ($5,000). All sponsors receive: 20% discount on conference passes Logo on “Thank you to our Sponsors” slides Job opening recognition during keynotes Post-event data report Opportunity to contribute to conference swag bags” For sponsorship inquiries, please contact [email protected]. Our sponsorship team will work with you to find the package that best meets your organization’s goals.” Conference Website: #Rstats #useR2025