USC Lusk Center for Real Estate转发了
Hi All. We need your help! RCLCO Real Estate Consulting has launched a Palisades Fire and Eaton Fire Resident Rebuilding Survey and needs to reach residents and business owners! The purpose of these surveys - a collaborative effort between Urban Land Institute, the?UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate, and?USC Lusk Center for Real Estate - is to listen directly to the residents and businesses impacted by the fires to ensure that elected officials, policy makers, and rebuilding authorities’ response is both effective and aligns with needs and preferences. The survey will assess intentions and means of residents impacted by the Palisades and Eaton Fire relative to rebuilding their homes.?The results of this comprehensive, anonymous, and statistically significant survey will inform elected officials and policymakers regarding where and how to prioritize their efforts, ultimately helping to facilitate the rebuilding and recovery from the fires as quickly, as well and as cost effectively, as possible. Please sign up below or pass this along to anyone you know affected. Thank you! Palisades Fire Residents Survey Link: Eaton Fire Residents Survey Link: Main Survey Website, with more information: Surveys for businesses impacted by both the Palisades and Eaton fires will be released later this week.??