As the single-use device reprocessing industry celebrates its 25th anniversary, it’s clear how much has been achieved. From the FDA's regulation of reprocessing in 2000 to its current role in saving hospitals millions annually, reprocessing has proven its value in cost reduction and environmental sustainability. We’re proud to partner with Innovative Health LLC to help OBLs and ASCs reprocess high-cost devices like IVUS catheters, reducing waste and lowering costs while maintaining safety and quality. Visit our website to learn how we can help optimize your device management and reduce costs! #MedicalDeviceReprocessing #Sustainability #CostSavings #IVUSReprocessing #HealthcareInnovation #IVUS
The headwinds of the reprocessing industry need to be addressed by healthcare leaders, lawmakers, and manufacturers, or a growingly fragmented industry will have a hard time continuing its success. Read our new white paper: