US Army Transportation Corps转发了
#ICYMI, the @U.S. Army Transportation Corps hosted this year’s National American Indian Heritage observance, Nov. 21, at the Beaty Theater. The theme of this year’s event was “Affirming Native Voices: Visibility - Leadership - Service”, and featured the inspirational and moving life stories of Maj. Patrick Sorensen, TRADOC? Public Affairs marketing and operation officer. Sorensen, a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Ore., and serves with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command as the American Indian and Alaskan Native Employment Program Manager. #NationalNativeAmericanHeritageMonth #SupportStartsHere #BeAllYouCanBe US Army TRADOC Fort Gregg-Adams U.S. ARMY QUARTERMASTER CORPS US Army Ordnance Corps