We won $42,000 in a pitch competition for Unseen ?? More than the money, it validated the idea in a way I hadn’t experienced before. I don’t believe in formulas for success. I’ll never spell it all out because that’s useless... But for me, here are some general thoughts on the intangibles that (maybe) helped us win: ?? Feel the pressure & GET NERVOUS: sure, it’s a big deal to get up there on a stage in front of 150+ people and be vulnerable. But I think I used this as a superpower. Because I had such nerves getting up on stage, it made me practice more behind the scenes. It forced me to know what I was speaking about so intrinsically that it oozed out. Welcome the nerves - it means it matters to you. ?? Tone matters too: I came off the stage nervous as hell, but people in the crowd went out of their way to come up and tell me how conversational and effortless my pitch sounded. That resonated with folks. My pitch didn’t feel rehearsed, it was more like a story I was telling about Unseen. And that took reps. ?? Keep it simple: Yes, I showed some financial projections. Yes, we did a TON of market research to prep. And yes, I probably put in 100 hours of practice time on the pitch. But ultimately, this idea is simple, and the pitch deck should represent that. Our deck was meant to be complementary to the story / idea. I was able to ensure the right points were getting across on the screen, while concisely explaining the idea, our why, and how we’re going to succeed. ?? Understand your audience and what they care about: If you can, scope out the judging panel in advance. Connect beforehand if you can, and do your research. Don’t use jargon about your industry if the panel is not familiar with your space. This isn’t the time to stand up on your soapbox. It’s the time to make the most sense you’ve ever made. ??? Take feedback when it makes sense: I’m always going to understand my product/service better than anyone else. So when taking feedback, make sure you’re thinking about the why behind what that person is saying. Is it how you’re coming across while presenting? Is there a hole in your logic? Is the story not resonating? If you can understand what’s underpinning the advice, you’ll be able to understand it better and, ultimately, implement it into your pitch in a thoughtful way. I have to thank UMass Amherst | Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship for running the show here. We learned a lot in the process, and they provided awesome resources for all founders who applied for the Innovation Challenge. I was honored to share the stage with some other incredible entrepreneurs. In the world of startups this money isn’t life changing, but it’s allowing us to improve the product, deploy some paid marketing, make key operational changes, and more. Who knew $42k could get you so far if you have a lean mindset. PS - I’m more than happy to share our pitch deck. If you want it, just lmk in the comments below and I’ll dm ????