The Center for Plant Science Innovation (PSI) is an interdisciplinary research, development, and training program in plant sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). PSI includes 21 faculty members from five academic departments and three colleges who advance plant science research in Metabolic Biochemistry, Stress Biology, Genetics, and Epigenetics.
PSI scientists apply their research to the development of crops with improved productivity and higher value by turning laboratory innovations into real-world applications. PSI research leads to crops that are higher yielding and more environmentally resilient. PSI scientists also develop crops that have improved compositional qualities for human and livestock nutrition, as well as biofuel and bioproduct applications. The work of PSI addresses global food security and the profitability of agricultural producers.
By promoting collaboration across disciplines, PSI facilitates fundamental discoveries and their translation for the development of improved crops and new technologies. Our research addresses grand challenges that impact consumers and producers in Nebraska, the United States, and the world.
With its wide range of expertise, network of collaborations, and modern biotechnology tools, PSI has a critical edge when responding to new research funding opportunities and emerging crop production challenges. Computational biology supports research and guides gene discovery efforts, and new gene editing techniques expand possibilities for crop improvement.
The Center for Plant Science Innovation moves research from the lab to the field, transforming agriculture at the University of Nebraska.
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