New publication! The UMGC Innovation Lab has developed a new method called TaG-EM for fruit flies. This innovative approach uses genetic barcodes to streamline the identification of cell populations and organism groups. Congrats to all on this outstanding work!
Check out the new paper from my lab in eLife. We made hundreds of fruit fly lines containing unique DNA barcodes that we can read out by DNA sequencing. The barcodes enable us to carry out large-scale behavioral assays and can also be expressed tissue-specifically to tag cells or tissues upstream of single cell RNA sequencing. A brief summary of the paper can be found here: Thanks to my co-authors, Jorge Blanco Mendana, Margaret Donovan, Lindsey Gengelbach O'Brien, Ben Auch, and John Garbe, and to all of my colleagues at the University of Minnesota Genomics Center. The awesome fly barcode image below was drawn by Margaret Donovan and contains a scannable barcode! eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd.