Planetary Scientist at SETI Institute, Director of NASA Haughton-Mars Project, Director at Mars Institute, Prof. at Kepler Space University, Chief Scientist at Ceres Robotics, VP for Planetary Development at NSS
NEW CAVES DISCOVERED ON THE MOON Proud to share that my student interns Daniel Sikes and Jesus Luna are reporting today, at the 56th Lunar & Planetary Science Conference #LPSC2025 in Houston (The Woodlands), TX, the discovery of new pits / caves on the Moon inside two high southern latitude impact craters on the lunar nearside, Rutherfurd ( and Zucchius (, respectively. Daniel is a senior in Physical Geography at The University of Kansas and recent intern in the Mars Institute Global Research Internship Program (MI-GRIP) who just got accepted into the PhD program at Rice University in the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences. Jesus is a second-year student in Air Maintenance Technology / Mechanical Engineering at Mt. San Antonio College and recent intern in the National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) internship program at the SETI Institute. Congrats to both of them! Mars Institute, SETI Institute, Kepler Space University, NASA Ames Research Center, NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Space Society